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World travels
2011/04/10 10:33:09瀏覽304|回應0|推薦5


My husband and I have visited many countries. In recent years we have been to the Czech Republic, Egypt, and the Netherlands. The Czech Republic is not an English-speaking country. Even though we couldn’t get a lot of help when we asked for directions, we had a good time there.


Charles Bridge is very popular in the Czech Republic. We took a walk on the bridge and found many street performers. Two blind women were playing instruments and singing. Their voices were very pleasing. There were many artists painting for tourists. We saw one drawing a little girl’s eyes. We could hardly believe our own eyes because hers were drawn true to life.


We followed the tour lines to visit castles and churches, which were very high and solemn. If we wanted to take pictures, we had to put the camera on the floor.


Cesky Krumlov is the most beautiful town in the country. Her buildings are full of red roofs, and rivers surround the whole town. It is really an unforgettable nation. So far she is the most beautiful country I have ever seen and I hope to visit her again.


My husband and I also took a trip to Egypt to see pyramids, temples, and mummies. I admired Egyptians who built pyramids, which are very huge. To take photos, we had to stand about one kilometer away. So far people don’t know how Egyptians built the pyramids.


A guide took us to enter the pyramid and told us we had to feel respect when we walked into it. The way was very narrow and dark. We had to use a flashlight and follow the person in front carefully. It was a very exciting and special experience for us.


We visited several ancient temples. These temples’ walls were full of carvings and ancient writings. I don’t understand how people did it. They didn’t have any electric equipment and they had to climb to the top. The guide said Egypt was flooded several months every year. Maybe they used water building pyramids and temples. I think that Egyptians are very smart!



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