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You have lived in my mind
2010/08/11 20:32:41瀏覽296|回應0|推薦4

  I kept from crying and gazed grievously at your going away.

  I promised you to go chasing your own happiness.

  In fact, I didn’t want to part with you at all.

  “Let me go. I have lost my heart to another woman.” You begged

  When I got that, I have kept my mouth shut.

  You held your breath to wait for my answer.

  I was looking at you and crying all at once.

  “It’s my wrong. I know I shouldn’t fall in love with another woman. Please accept my apology.” You showed grief in your eyes.

  I dried my tears and then held your hand.

  “Actually, I found your change early. I just haven’t wanted to accept the fact.” I smiled at you bitterly.

  Since you walked away from my life, smile has never appeared on my face.

  Though I have learned how to forget you, I have heard my heartbeat constantly.

  “Don’t let him go. You certainly regret your decision.” My heart said to me.

  How have you been lately?

  Does she treat you well?

  Have you… surely never missed me?

  I think so. You forgot me early.

  Why have I remembered your love?

  Some places you drove me to go. I always went there alone time after time.

  When I ate some food which has ever eaten with you, I was always eating and crying.

  I haven’t dared to wear the white skirt.

  It was my birthday gift that you sent me.

  I don’t allow having long hair anymore.

    You always told me that my long hair was truly pretty.

  I fear to see sorrowful movies alone.

  I’m worried that I can’t keep back my tears.

  Finally, I realize that I have never forgotten you.

  I remember your face, your voice, your dreams, your favorite restaurant…

  Actually, you have lived in my mind.

  I feel that I’m gonna lose my mind.

  How should I forget you completely?

  My love, tell me please.


( 創作小說 )
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