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how to maintain 中产阶层
2016/12/20 06:18:50瀏覽149|回應6|推薦0

中产阶层焦虑症加剧:缺乏稳定感 3成选择让下一代出国..缺乏“稳定感”“归属感”,三分之一选择让下一代出国


--before we married my husband was broken as 50 years old, he already suffered his investments crashed, but I didn't know usa well so 3 years paied off his credit cards debts, we could save money and I invested his money again, until 2007 bought REIT--a big mistake. during bloody wars with economic recession my husband wanted to sell all but I stopped him and 10 years later most seemed recover (MARFX, T, CMCSA..), almost recover FHIFX,SPHiX,SSHYX, KAUAX and long way to recover ABIAX(2006 20.68 2016:12.17) FMAGX(2000:133.57 2016:92.4)   REIT that I would say down to $0.

before 2009 I kept telling my husband it's not worth to invest even annuity, however he bought last one(annuity) that the sales cheated us. now my husband afraid SSR and pension going crashed and wanted to sell all investment because he declared as 70 no more 10 years to wait the market recovery back especially if we need money. 

To me, now I don't feel 极强的不安全感与焦虑感 because I don't bother to monitor daily as I did before. no buy(except those auto reinvest 401K, IRA) no sell, till yearly filing TAX to know how much dividends/interest we get.

in USA the most caused “掉下去” is Obama health care and property tax you can't avoid. once I figured out 频繁变动的股市“洗劫” and cheated by sales, the best way is not to buy/sell.

大城市房价高 also happened in usa, that's why 中等收入群体 moved to suburb and very common however chinese love to living together in the big city even have cars.

( 時事評論政治 )
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2017/03/01 07:29

统计显示:台湾人爱存钱 总存款逾40兆新台币 ..台湾景气差,大家都不敢花钱;然而,当景气好转,台湾人还是爱存钱!..连诺贝尔奖得主都想不透。2015年经济学奖得主迪顿(Angus Deaton)曾来台研究,他说台湾人不管几岁都在存钱,至今他对这个现象仍感不解。

--my sister just told me that taiwan everything jump high and Shainghei seems higher than taiwan, no confidence that can go thru their retiring life even she is the most rich. I told her I have been using money S/W for 15+ years now. one day I inquired another the white woman I met whether she was worried(during bloody wars and lost jobs like us), and she told me if they can't survive then more 50% americans won't survive either. so I answered her Trump has to take care americans so does china but I have no confidence in taiwan because we all knew what rotten MJD good at...not taking care taiwan people but their filthy politic benefits only.

this is the answer why 台湾人爱存钱 including myself...no confidence in taiwan government.

2017/01/03 09:22

2017年与你利益相关的“跨境投资”:买金要小心 ..跨境投资 is very high risk, even you bought the import products still high risk because when it got trouble you are too late get your money out, it happened in HK, Taiwan and china. the reason :

1. your english is not good and even quite good you can't understand what you sign the contracts. you see my husband bought annuity and spent 2 hours discuss with the sales still been cheated. because even american won't spend time to read "tedious and not understandable terms" contract. the only way is to hire profession lawyer but most middle class like us can't offer.

2. most contracts are well designed once you sign you lose your rights. and usa crook companies are very good at including you visit hospitals/doctors. my husband visited eye doctor recently, the counter refused my husband pay $35 copay, and he thought the doctor so good waived the copay. I immediately warned him it's not what he thought. 2 days ago he got bill that charges $90 because insurance company refuse '$55 refraction' which my husband has no idea what's that for.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-01-03 09:58 回覆:


--you better know very well about usa property tax, maintainence rules, clean whatever previous renter left behind.. and whether you can find an agent doing those jobs for you.  Most agent only willing to sell/rent the house for you, and if you willing spend huge money to remodel the house for sell , but no interest to help you dealing with nasty renters. they want make easy money job not hard jobs. we bought REIT investment that declaring you don't need do those painful jobs and we bought $10,000+ and today value is $2500. good news we still get $21.68/quarter dividends. if you heard your frineds living in usa made money you should know as legal residents they can wipe off their taxes, you may not qualify for certain benefits. Apartments type you have to pay monthly fee (we don't want $500+/mm  for retiring life).

买金,要小心! I already warn if you really want then buy the real one not "digital number" type can't touch/wear but maintainence fee.(“珍宝币”被裁定为非法传销 国内外数万人陷入骗局) to me 买 digital 金 is the same as 珍宝币, you can't verify you 买 digital 金 is a real  金 or not.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-01-08 11:38 回覆:


--比特币 is worse than 珍宝币 and 买 digital 金, I don't understand why 比特币中国负责人 wants to hurt his people in china? why so many foolish in china can't read many bad news about 比特币 scandals? I don't understand why many foolish didn't inherit from our anestors over 5000 history IQ ? if  比特币 is so reliable why would the japanbastard creator sell out to run away his crimes? in usa hardly any agent selling  比特币 and hardly heard AnLi products, when my husband lost job during the bloody wars we both got life insurance certificates and when my husband tried to ask his colleagues buy the "umbrella company" products we were told the company we joined is AnLi-type and that is his father told him. so we quit. in usa AnLi is notorious reputation, however when I left taiwan in 1997, AnLi was/is very hot in taiwan because came from taiwan immigrations in CA brought in. I finally find out many bad things happened in taiwan because those immigrations can't find decent jobs in usa so join those usa rats companies then dragged down the new comers and even taiwan people. don't you see it repeated in china?

2016/12/20 23:41

how to maintain 中产阶层

--according to my experiences,

1. living with budget is very very important. I still using out of dated microsoft money because no need for fancy functions but a recording income and expenses, plus pay the bills. I don't trust other morden ways such as cell phone because I suffered many deadly virus attacking. recently my cell phone was hacked by fake owner tried to sell/rent our house. only control by our hands is the most safe.

2.try hard to pay off all credit cards debt, then  house mortague.

3.if you already invest then leave it alone, if you felt bad then don't monitor but yearly verify whether you get dividends/interest. we have mutual funds many years got none but then we received dividends. Comparing 0% banks interest we felt not bad even unit price not yet recover.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2016-12-21 00:00 回覆:

4. I never comparing us and my rich sister. after my husband got SSR she told our relatives we are the highest income as retired. because my husband waited till 70 got his max. SSR. she and her husband already applied at 65(?) in Canada. maybe Canada still quite rich didn't encourage/allure their people by increase 8% interest if delay.

To me who can live the longest life healthy and still living decent is the winner. so why make yourself unconfortable by looking those richer than you today but do you best. 

my sister and youngest brother are enjoy their life before retiring and one day my sister found out the friend she donated clothing and others became highest income as retired in Canada. my sister in law quite upset my opinions about Trump even we didn't vote because my younger brother job terminated in Nov. she worried about Obama healthcare gone. the earliest enjoyed life(many foreign trips) is my same age female cousin but not good shape.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2016-12-21 00:38 回覆:

5. set a plan for retiring life. Mine is :
a. SSR+company pensions for living expenses
b. a renting house to pay 2 houses property taxes and this and that maintainance.
c. invest/savings for trips, inflation and hope any left donate to china to maintain and continue our ancestors over 5000 history--that can help the whole world people by china government doing the right jobs.

once you have a plan you would be more confidence without panic.

in usa only itself caused market up and down or moving around(that up this down yesterday then that down this up today when president changes). if I live in china I would buy stocks/mutual funds when usa president random say say caused the trouble because sooner or later china market back to normal. why not buy low? buy low is the key make you richer.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2016-12-21 20:18 回覆:

6. if yoy already invest I would suggest you keep them and recording your transactions, unit price. we began since 1999 dec(?) and 16 years recording still not enough to know the truth, another 5 years maybe more clearly. China is different from usa, usa is actively manipulated by usa government, china is passive and impacted by usa. I hope one day people in china can support government then all you could have confidence and make fortune without panic.

I post my opinion in another topic :美联储加息 and what I saw
--from what I saw 降息 because market too hot, 加息 because market can't go up(people don't buy). maybe 5 more years I could see clearly if my husband doesn't sell out all.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2016-12-22 12:05 回覆:

7. spent time reqding chinanews is the cheapest way to avoid falling into traps.

in usa almost 20 years went thru many bad things, I told my husband in taiwan 40 years I only cheated few times(a bad dentist, a bad colleague pulled me into AnLi..when I refused going on then suffered 6 months day to mid-night calling bombs, and nan-san sales fooled me to buy 5(?) products when decided to marry and tried terminated all but he didn't).

while in usa frequently been cheated. almost every time I can see the grocery charged high, bloody doctors forced my husband did this and that even we told them one week later would get medicare but still squezzed laid off no insurace patient. IRS for banks fault chased us 3 years, cook county overcharged property tax, ... this hardly you can read from world journal except mis-calculated SSR. most they declared how wonderful usa is.

but chinanews reported any crimes very detail and tracking well so you should learn well.

咸蛋家直播平台爆发兑付危机 多位明星参股为其站台 ...咸蛋家的一项营销政策,悄悄为后来的这场提现危机埋下了伏笔。2016年初,咸蛋家推出了“用户高额补贴”的活动。早期,咸蛋家承诺,用户在平台的现金可以获得9.9%的年化收益率。

--after we were cheated, I found out if your money for investment then pick investment companies(such as fidelity), if your money for savings/CDs/billpay then pick banks, if you really want to buy insurance then pick insurance companies. even today we still strug whether put all money/investment in one company but neither bank nor fidelity meet our requirements. 

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2016-12-22 12:21 回覆:


--you have to know rule:1.never become greedy 2.if smelling 欠款风波 you should terminate when it jump so high. 3.investment means you have extra money and you don't need for long time and even down to $0 won't suicide. 

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-01-08 11:13 回覆:
8. don't let usa company control your investment. I did compare our investments and those company manages other clients and turned out our way is a bit better because no sell/buy frequently and believe me only agents thru trading made fortune not you. I always suspect why china suffering any "bad news" even usa president random say say caused market way down, it very likely many china let usa compnies control your investments. usa is always a winner can easily manipulate china market. so if you smart control your money by yourself then you won't help usa companies hurt china market and in the end all chinese are losers.

2016/12/20 08:04

2016/12/20 07:55


--my 2 broters, sister and me none of us would encotrage our relatives in taiwan, in china immigrated because so many bad things we went thru or we saw. if your kids want they would study hard like us. I met a woman from china as school principal, she encouraged her daughter who has a kid divorced immigrated here working in library, however the grandson is not used to can't study well. she told us very regret.  in the end they moved to TX living with another daughter but I can imagine won't be good.

Another relative's son wanted to stay in Canada but didn't study well, ending in working for chinese restaurant.

the best way still study in china till graduated from university. they decide what they want. they responsible for their choice. because mature enough could reduce lots risks in foreign countries. even so we still heard been murdered in usa.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2016-12-22 13:06 回覆:

年关将至华人频遭侵害 华文媒体为华人安全发声 ...南美新闻网执行总编王雪琰:近年来,针对华人的犯罪率呈直线上升趋势,特别是美国黑人明目张胆地叫嚣抢劫华人,引起旅外华侨华人的忧虑。”

--I always told my husband don't show off(he is so proud of been manager, V.P. then S.V.P., telling every one he met and how much savings he has) . however he can't be taught.

Fortunately we hardly buy any good clothing/shoes, I even cut hairs by myself, no cosmetics, very old bag with malfunction purse(sister gave to me in 2003(?), wearing no rings, juery... and living in elgin fill with mexcians/the black but quite safe so far. I am quite helping the white old lady who lives over 50 years knew many people here. the other side mexcians I also tried politely saying hellow. most time I wore broken 牛仔裤衬衫 working hard in the garden, neighbourhood saw me and chatting a bit. across street are low-income apartments except people walking thru /driver passing by our yard or/and garbage trucks caused many junks in our yards. so far so OK. But I missing our old house not so many junks dump in yard, it's a famous safety area.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2016-12-22 13:19 回覆:


--we have no jewery,cash(except pennies) but old furnitures in the house. quite not understand why still those people put so much money in the house and/or 随身携带.

you have to merge to your neighbourhood, if not rich area then try as plain as possible.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2016-12-23 01:55 回覆:
中国小留学生在美适应不良 退学转校不到1年花8万 ...中国侨网12月21日电 据美国《世界日报》报道,一名18岁中国小留学生Kevin李,抵美不到一年,因适应不良、误交损友,不仅被退学转校,更因此花掉8万美元学杂费,都还未确定是否可以顺利毕业,Kevin丧气的表示,“如果再有一次选择机会,我不会再来美国当小留”。高中毕业2015年1月花了4.5万美元中介费自己英语不好,所以中介及家人都认为在美国高中重新念一年,再申请大学比较合适发现所谓的优质高中,就仅仅是一栋在芝加哥市区的破旧大楼,学生总数也才200多个收了他一年3万美元的学费以及1万美元的住宿费学校也没有按照中介的承诺安排双语老师辅导,让他相当不能适应,因此每天都与其他几位已到美国多年的中国小留生混在一起,这几个同学,出手大方,非超级名牌不穿,喝酒等,Kevin也在同学怂恿下迷失。因他屡屡犯规且未改善取消了他的学生身份,转到社区学院缴交了社区学院8000美元学费,并签约租住学院附近公寓,上课两周却接到北郊教会高中通知,表示他的身份无法转至社区学院,他被迫又回到高中注册,以保住合法身份又缴了1.3万美元的学费给教会高中,而社区学院的学费与房租因已过了规定的退费期限无法讨回.花掉家里约8万,“其实我家就一般小康家庭”,内心深感忏悔的Kevin表示,留学一年的最深刻感受是“小留学生就像小动物,初到陌生环境会很害怕很茫然,也很容易走错路,希望一意要把孩子丢到美国的大人能够理解”,他说,假使再有一次选择机会,会等自己思想成熟时再来美国
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2016-12-23 02:18 回覆:

after I returned to taiwan 1985(?) I never think come to usa any more and focus on my job--try to catch usa's automation in taiwan. never thought in my 40 would marry to my husband. when I was about 30(?) my sister and mom on the road walking met a blind(may not pretended?) female fortune-teller then pay her to our family house...she told me the later I marry the better... when I have chances I comparing this and that, none succeeded. after my eldest brother married(also quite late) I asked his wife how she decided marry to my brother, she told me the less you thinking the quicker. I believed her and here I am.

it is fate whether you would /could be in other country, and if you against your fate then you may living in the hell or died/killed earlier. my sister met friends from taiwan in Canads most are MJD supporters and some due to job sold their canada house returned to taiwan but last year they found can't stay in taiwan any longer because soceity environment so bad then moved back to canada...they had a decent single family house before now living in small apartment.

2016/12/20 06:54
--Don't become greedy, you have a house and 年薪20多万 could buy a 2nd house nearby 上海 for working, if you marry even better. Living with your budget then you should have no worry about your retiring life what's more you want?
my sister suggest us move to CA so her eldest son can take care us when we are too old. however so expensive house and high tax unless you still work it's very bad for retiring.
when my husband received a job interview from CA, I was hyper then he told me it's not worth sell our house here buy there because even salary looks good your savings would be eaten up.
I heard a couple from taiwan for job moved to CA, they sold big house here bought quite small house in CA. I wonder whether they would regret.
this year I just met a couple from china, they have a house here then for job left 3 years ago, this year they returned back from CA and glad they didn't sell the house here. my eldest nephew also complained can't save money even his salary higher than my husband(as S.V.P. ), W.J.(at least 4 years ago) also post a family moved back to taiwan for same reason--can't save decent money.在上海一证券公司工作的陆璐,自留洋回国已经3年。虽然在家乡安徽拥有自己的住房,目前年薪20多万元,但却称自己买不起上海的房子。前段时间,她在微信朋友圈里转发一些有关房价的文章,并附上评论“未来有房子的人与没房子的人财富差距会越来越大。年薪八十万不如在京沪有个三五套房子的。房价涨上去后,楼市可能就是有钱人的游戏,可以换可以卖。没有房,就别想搭上这艘船。”
--Don't become greedy, you have a house and 年薪20多万 could buy a 2nd house nearby 上海 for working, if you marry even better. Living with your budget then you should have no worry about your retiring life what's more you want?
my sister suggest us move to CA so her eldest son can take care us when we are too old. however so expensive house and high tax unless you still work it's very bad for retiring.
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2016-12-20 06:55 回覆:
when my husband received a job interview from CA, I was hyper then he told me it's not worth sell our house here buy there because even salary looks good your savings would be eaten up.
I heard a couple from taiwan for job moved to CA, they sold big house here bought quite small house in CA. I wonder whether they would regret.
this year I just met a couple from china, they have a house here then for job left 3 years ago, this year they returned back from CA and glad they didn't sell the house here. my eldest nephew also complained can't save money even his salary higher than my husband(as S.V.P. ), W.J.(at least 4 years ago) also post a family moved back to taiwan for same reason--can't save decent money.
my sister as businessman is 有钱人, and she is very lucky, every house she bought always make huge money when she sold. should I take her advices move to CA or Seattle? I believe it's a fate and I accept my fate as I can see all my life only when I was in very bad mood then good things would happen to me, but if I am OK those lucky fortune won't happen.
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2016-12-20 07:21 回覆:
you should review your past when you can win lottery? when you can get good gifts from company?...
our 祖先预测 could tell you, the only possible to change is to marry Mr. Right and that also can find in our  祖先预测.
--as far as I knew usa banks are trying new ways:no one has fix office desk, you have to find available desk and do everything by yourself. my husband told me in the past as manager he only read 3-5 resumes because HR already filtering those candidates, then he had to do everything by himself all time spent on reading hurdreds resumes and if he found qualified the person already got job. when he knew the new changes he talked to his boss(from HK) what it would be, later the boss retired and told my husband was right. he moved to CA and asked my husband about contractor jobs experiences.