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2017/06/03 01:26:33瀏覽183|回應9|推薦0
只存不花 退休族成守財奴
新調查顯示,退休人士可能對未來財務狀況過於悲觀,導致他們守著錢不敢花。運用大數據分析進行財務規畫的公司United Income指出,60歲以上的民眾,每年減少開支2.5%,也就是10年超過20%。
United Income創辦人兼執行長菲洛斯(Matt Fellows)表示,退休人士並未按財力盡情享受退休生活。調查發現,美國長者對自己的未來經濟展望日益悲觀。35歲以下的年輕人和65歲以上長者之間,每增一年壽命,樂觀鴻溝就擴大3%。
--as usual usa reporting is not clearly. many couples are not the same age, mine is 11 years difference. will I allow my husband 每年從退休帳戶提款4%? not until I get medicare and very well knowing the health insurance expenses even when we both have medicare.
we have  a plan to have trips especially visiting china and all delay because he got serviously pain just when we tried to have a train trips in usa 1st in last year Aug.. I did advice my husband switch to a better doctor even if we have to pay more for better policy. however we can't tell is there any better policy in medicare to get professional doctor. my husband thought all the same..besides not so many professional doctors near by us.
I told my sister the best way is to have money pay for someone do the jobs when getting old can't do any more. And I don't want to move around with her kid or brother's because they can't stay in the same place forever either. if they are good they would move to more and more expensive area and we may not can offer any more.
besiedes one of my friend told us they live next to their son's failmly in the end still 各人自扫门前雪,休管他人瓦上霜, she is very regret live next to each other.
we just hire lawan care that would cost us over $1490/yr because we have a big yard.
( 知識學習科學百科 )
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2017/06/13 13:21
亿万富翁罗杰斯(Jim Rogers)在JCM资本年会晚宴上表示: 未来经济世界,在美国和中国之间,他更看好中国。

  罗杰斯表示:美国是历史上最大的负债国, 内债、外债均巨大,中国则只是内债较高。美国经济自上一次衰退以来已经持续了7-9年的时间了,历史上每7-10年会出现一次经 济危机。经济灾难几乎肯定会很快发生。

  罗杰斯还指出,如果特朗普继续推行他的政策,虽然短时间内美股因为减税、基础设施建设等而上升,但是从长期来看,在贸易保护主义的威胁之下,可能在未来2-3年内出现下行,并影响全球经济。 下一次会比上一次更严重,因为债务危机根本没有解决。

  谈及中国,罗杰斯明显倾向乐观:中国经济将会面临挑战,虽然企业负债率很高,一些企业会面临问题甚至破产,但是作为一个整体,要比其他经济健康。罗杰斯现居住在新加坡,他和JCM同样看 好并投资一家从事跨境支付公司LatiPay,因为这家初创企业允许中国消费者使用人民币支付货物和服务,而商人则以当地货币直接向当地 银行账户收取商品或服务的全部费用。罗杰斯还表示, 中国的对外经济政策会很大程度上影响新加坡 特别是新加坡的港口行业。

--Trump may succeed but won't worse than previous presidents. certainly his bloody wars I still against it because I inherit our over 5000 years chinese history IQ. the endless bloody wars drag usa down not anything else. however Trump tries his best to force other countries pay and share usa threaton weapons and solidiers fee in stead of one side squeeze out china who did nothing wrong.

But now I suspect Singapore might involve deadly virus "wannacry" and the new one attacking china because 罗杰斯 in Singapore must have reasons.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-06-13 13:26 回覆:

美国经济自上一次衰退以来已经持续了7-9年的时间了,历史上每7-10年会出现一次经 济危机。经济灾难几乎肯定会很快发生。

--that means usa another So-lou-S is going to attack other pity countries especially china, be alert.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-06-13 13:31 回覆:
乔治·索罗斯(George Soros),1930年8月12日生于匈牙利布达佩斯,本名捷尔吉·施瓦茨(Gyoumlrgy Schwartz),慈善家,货币投机家,股票投资者。




--usa 索罗斯-type 刮去了许多国家的财富 never stop, but now combine with deadly virus black mail.... be alert! China.
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-06-13 13:59 回覆:

比特币价格似“过山车” 专家:警惕大跌行情 ...五月爆发的勒索病毒,让人们重新认识了比特币;六月初,比特币又一次站上了风口浪尖,走入国内外投资者的视线。在经历了一定程度的波动后,上周日,比特币价格涨至历史新高,3012.05美元。...去年12月比特币价格仅仅900多美元,到今年六月份,比特币价格上涨已经超过200%,仅6月份就上涨了近30%,远超标普500等基准股指。一位长期关注比特币的公司投资主管透露,勒索病毒事件和部分国家放开对比特币的管制,是诱发这一轮比特币暴涨的主要原因。

被称为“数字黄金”的比特币 缘何暴涨暴跌?...刚刚过去的24小时,比特币大跌超过17%,刷新6月3号以来新低,现报2445美元,较盘中纪录高位回落超过500美元。...刚刚过去的24小时,比特币大跌超过17%,刷新6月3号以来新低,现报2445美元,较盘中纪录高位回落超过500美元。

 “数字黄金”能不能投? 专家:警惕大跌行情

--my best advice for middle-low class your hard working savings don't be destroyed by those 数字黄金, 数字比特币. they are not real and can't be examined by your government. even usa has strong power can be allowed verify them but you should keep in mind usa can get lost money back but you can't. those usa big companies chased back their money from 黑客 and won't tell how they succeed get money back...you should know what behind it and can't tell.

 same as japan's nuclear pollution, you have no ideal what is the deal made between japan and usa. my bad experiences in usa told me if I heard some "good investment oppertuinty"  that means the rotten rich got high profits dump it and middle-low class type pay for the high risk portion.  my best advice for investment is never never never greedy !!

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-06-13 14:56 回覆:





预则立、不预则废。防范系统性金融风险,就去年之中国,已不是“预”的问题,而是当务之急、刻不容缓且务必矫枉过正。事实也正是如此,去年下半年起,“一行三会”对银行、保险、证券、基金、信托、资 管、债券、股市、期市、金市的监管全面收紧,监管力度尤其是监管的严肃性,随着保监与银监相继有“大老虎”被打,开始逐季加码,金融乱象已明显改观。

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-06-13 15:00 回覆:




--it is usa creates 金融危机 by millions threaton weapons including 罗杰斯-type random say say. however china people should realize only you can stop 罗杰斯-type random say say by no more blindly believe usa made 神化s.

2017/06/12 15:07

在芝年入5.4萬 就能活得很快樂...在中西部,年收到5萬4000元,就可以讓情緒達到開心顛峰;假使住在東北部地區的民眾,年收則要到12萬元,才會有相同感覺。


--we as married, no kid, own a house, property tax $450/mm, utilities fee cost more.

in 2008 paycheck $3040.43 401K saving $152.02 tax paied $793.81, income -> $2094.6

in 2013 paycheck $4375  401K saving $131.25 tax paied  $1787.27 company insurance paied $131.25 dental $10.9 vision $5.53
, income ->$2324.76 $2324.76-$450=$1874.76

if she is single, and without dental/vision then she could have $2800 on hand

$2800-$ renting $800= $2000, if cooking meals by herself then can save some money(IRA).

yearly IRA saving $5500/12=$458/mm.

She could save $458+$131.25 =$590/mm as IRA and 401K.

for us sometimes the house maintainence expenses we can't buy IRA. if her bank still offer pension, she should have no worry if only if she keeps her job.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-06-12 15:29 回覆:

you can see why Obama healthcare are not welcome for those middle-low class. because this year charge me $575.56/mm, the min. affordable should be $470. 

in 2008 my husband lost permanent job but contractor can't buy insurance, but 401K.  And now if people lost permanent job they can't save money to buy 401K but force to buy obama's health insurance.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-06-12 15:45 回覆:

usa tax : federal tax(10%,15%,25%,28%,35%),ILL state tax rate  3.5%, social security tax rate 6.2% (for SSR), Medicare tax rate 1.45%( when you 65 can get medicare).

in general, americans usually have IRA, 401K, and SSR plus if usa companies still offer pension for employees. So when you heard americans crying, make sure you also can save as much money as americans, including SSR-like.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-06-12 22:33 回覆:

our house property tax jump high to $540/mm in 2017. 3 single female from taiwan I knew, one worked in bank many years till 2011? forced to voluntary resign, also rent.

one as account living with mom, not smart donated 1/3 her salary to church.

one as immigration english teacher. they bought a small apartments.

Are they happy? more or less quite regret their choice when getting older and older.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-06-15 04:39 回覆:

part of for my disabled mom we bought current house --1st floor has a room for her sleeping, we knew it's bad idea to have a empty lot--pay more property tax, we do like the 100+ antique house, so I told my husband it's ok we can enjoy for a while since we tried so hard to save penny and if we can't offer then move back, so we didn't sell the previous house. I never have confidence we can keep it for rest of our retiring life until now I have more confidence but not 100%.  since my husband got legs problems I felt the house is really worth to buy because it fit disabled walking/moving around and quite confortable size.

I'm lucky in time marry to my husband(even found out he was broken), in time save money and paied off his debts, in time bought 2nd house cheap. certainly life is  not that eay I still suffered the unknown person abuses my body and stealing our things(it seems gradually reduce this year).

Another female from taiwan was divorced however she bought a house and because her husband's sister running business in usa so she learnt been self boss, I'm quite admire her bravery and independent. if possible still suggest single should marry --more chance to learn, and most married would buy a house.

2017/06/08 06:02

my husband visited 神经病学家 today and was told what happened to his butt, leg, extreamly pain came from 糖尿病并发症--神经病变. we were shocked because his  糖尿病 quite minor, indeed he won't listen to me to stay away any sweat things but not over eat, I took care of my mom didn't have such terrible pain on her leg/buutt. for One year he was treated by pain doctor then transfered to  神经病学家 now who declared 糖尿病 caused it.

his primary doctor did blood test found out kidney was a bit in trouble so fed him high amout Vietamin D. very strrange she did prescribe a medicine to protect kidney in 2013. however my mom was diagnosed 50% kidney was damaged still could live to her 90s. her proimary doctor never prescribed kidney medicine but told me no salt at all...which also not correct and a bit salt is necessary for body.

my husband's brother-in-law, his mom was cut off both legs due to  糖尿病 and later died. brother-in-law's sister(the richest one) had many years didn't contact her parents at all  after her mom's legs cut off she  created a website to request donation.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-06-13 06:35 回覆:

澳大利亚专家赞叹:糖尿病治愈的希望在湖南...人身上移植猪细胞治疗糖尿病,这是长沙医疗科研人员取得的领先世界的突破。截至今年6月,中南大学湘雅三医院细胞移植与基因治疗研究中心,已成功为7名Ⅰ型糖尿病患者实施了医用供体猪的胰岛移植手术,疗效非常接近人同种异体胰岛移植。更为可喜的是,该项异体移植技术正在由实验室研究走向产业化发展之路,在实验室完成最后的临床技术研究后,预计明年能用于临床治疗。...近年来,长沙在重大、疑难疾病以及突发传染病防治等关键技术上取得诸多突破,卫生科技创新水平显著提升。..32岁的彭先生:2015年10月15日做了猪胰岛移植后,效果很好,没有任何不适,吃香蕉、蜂蜜,血糖都不会升得很高. ...半年后,他的胰岛素减量80.5%,糖化血红蛋白已经完全恢复正常,本已丧失的胰岛功能基本重启。




--I told my husband and he expects can come to china do the 体猪的胰岛移植手术, I wonder whether we can register on line. And he is type II but left leg got problem, rely on pain-killer. I expect whether 王维教授 can follow up those 7 patients suffer any pain, if so whether the pain gone?...

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-06-14 06:04 回覆:

世界首例组织工程再生骨修复大段骨缺损技术获成功 ...第四军医大学西京医院13日透露,世界首例通过组织工程方法修复长度超过10厘米的负重骨骨缺损病例在该院成功实施,实现了国际性难题组织工程再生骨修复大段骨缺损的重大突破...2015年8月,第四军医大学西京医院骨科裴国献教授团队采用该技术,为一名患者实施右胫骨骨缺损组织工程再生骨移植修复术,成功修复长达12CM的大段骨缺损。2017年6月13日,该患者骨缺损已完全修复,关节活动及行动如同常人,可以进行快步行走、上下楼梯和搬移重物等日常和重体力活动。



--very surprising !! my husband leg problem may be solved...

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-06-15 02:33 回覆:

after neurogist prescribed Gabapentin 100mg, my husband did feel less pain and less muscle 痉挛(cramps, after we married I did notice his legs frequently got cramps and then his head). it seems finally got Dr. right. Still kind of confusion we assumed Gabapentin is another pain-killer. we hardly believe it is 癫痫 because I had a elementary school classmate, she had  癫痫 when it happened she passed out and mouth tightly closed... my husband just like most peope sometimes got muscle cramps but more times until his head also impacted. I did remind his doctors and no one thought it is serious problem. 

however about his legs still need do EMG 肌电图应用电子学仪器记录肌肉静止或收缩时的电活动,及应用电刺激检查神经、肌肉兴奋及传导功能的方法 to figure out why frequently falling down(like the leg disappear). before taking Gabapentin he fell down on his back(he was quite lucky not much hurt but bruise), now straight fell down on his leg(more possible would hurt his legs)

according to baidu 1.Gabapentin是美国Warner-Lanbert公司首先开发的抗癫痫药,于1993年首次在英国上市。加巴喷丁是一种新颖的抗癫痫药,它是γ-氨基丁酸(GABA)的衍生物,其药理作用与现有的抗癫痫药不同,最近研究表明加巴喷丁的作用是改变GABA代谢的。加巴喷丁在各种动物模型中均显示预防癫痫的作用,另外,在动物痉挛、镇痛和肌萎缩性测索硬化模型中也显示作用。加巴喷丁对脑组织的新颖结合点有高的亲和性,它能通过氨基酸转移体通过体内一些屏障,同其它抗惊厥药相比,加巴喷丁具有较小的行为和心血管副作用。




蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-06-22 11:08 回覆:



--after my husband took neurlogist prescription it really good for 3-4 days then sharp pain came back, no wonder the doctor told me still keep previous pain-killer(鴉片類藥物) medicine. however he took 2 pills for 2 days this week. he did reduce sweat things but still bought a box of brownie. I suspect the desert caused the pain return back.

主要發生在25至44歲的人群 I would say if not addict then must be the pain can't have good sleep and they have to work so.. usually it should 主要發生在 the seniors but those retired don't work any more so can reduce the frequency like my husband--take only too pain can't sleep at all.

2017/06/07 05:35
富頓郡房地稅大漲 居民怒嗆:政府搶錢...

超過32萬屋主最近收到富頓郡(Fulton)政府今年度房地產價值評定通知,高漲的房產價值評定令不少民眾怒嗆政府在「搶錢」。家住瓊斯溪市(Johns Creek)的李太太表示,她收到富頓郡估價單嚇了一跳,因為她家房價漲了50%,得繳7800元的稅金。她強調,一定要採取申訴管道,甚至上法院辯論。


史賓瑟(Joanna Benson Spencer)表示,她家房子的評價從24萬9000元漲到44萬1000元,增漲77%,稅也跟著從2000元跳到超過5000元。家住密爾頓(Milton)的韋伯勒(Webber)則指出,他家房價漲了超過兩倍。更有名退休教師說,他家房價漲了18萬元,若不調整稅率,他根本付不起稅金。

史賓瑟(Joanna Benson Spencer)表示,她家房子的評價從24萬9000元漲到44萬1000元,增漲77%,稅也跟著從2000元跳到超過5000元。家住密爾頓(Milton)的韋伯勒(Webber)則指出,他家房價漲了超過兩倍。更有名退休教師說,他家房價漲了18萬元,若不調整稅率,他根本付不起稅金。

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-06-07 05:41 回覆:

vs 艾柏斯和伊文斯均鼓勵民眾,若覺得自家房價的評定不正確,可以在規定的45天之內提出申訴

--it is very difficult to appeal, the only way is to pay company do the appeal and that not guarantee. they charge 1/3(?) for total of reduced tax.

one year we did by ourself that was failed and then the next yer we even paied more.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-06-07 05:43 回覆:
health insurance premium and estate tax became the huge burdon especially Obama's health care.
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-06-08 03:55 回覆:
when people has job and salary increase can cover utilities, oil,..jump up but when it can't especially for those retired/unemployeed then usa systems became the worst in the world especially health insurance and real estate tax.
during the Bush's bloody wars many people lost their houses because the bloody penalty if you can't pay your house tax. I also suffered the pressure when my husband frequently can't find job monthly our house tax was $500-

2017/06/03 07:17


--the best way is to find out MRD, the more couple ages difference the less you withdraw.

a single: previous IRA balance $10,000 at age 71 and rate 26.5 then $100,000/26.5=$3773.58 if you through 4%的法則 that would be $4000 .

a married joint, spose at 60 is a sole beneficiary and another age 71, rate is 27.2

$100,000/27.2=$3678.47. if spouse at 40 then rate is 44 that would be $2272.73

And if married separately or divorced the rate may go high.

2017/06/03 03:49
台湾一女子太会省钱找餐馆剩饭吃 男友称有病要治 ...都说节俭是美德,但节省过头可能会影响生活质量,更让亲朋好友伤脑筋!有台湾网友称,自己的女友过得超级节省,为了省钱甚至不吃饭,就算吃饭每顿预算也只有40元(新台币,下同,约合人民币9元),吃不饱就拿别桌剩菜继续吃。他感叹:“女友虽然不拜金,但把自己省到这种地步,我是否该考虑带她去看医生?”该网友写道,女友明明很爱吃,却每次都要他反复劝说后才会外出吃饭,而且预算低到根本吃不饱。“她的解决方法居然是在那种很多人的餐厅搜寻有没有人吃剩的饭菜,她就给我端过来吃。”他表示这样不卫生,曾多次劝阻女友但都没效果,反倒被女友回呛:“那就不要接吻啊,接吻交换口水也很不卫生。”
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-06-03 03:49 回覆:
--1st. congratuation you are lucky you won't be worry all your life fearing no money. 2nd. maryy her asap, you will be much earlier become the mddle-rich class.
the only thing you need to show her some one have diseases and she might be infected by eating others left meals and it's not worth especially she might become middle-rich class in the future.
I suggest the lucky young man digs out what's her plan. And if possible buy software to manage money(I heard china has a quite good money software) for her as a gift.
once she put data in money software she can see her dream (not be the poor) one step by one step comes true she could relax and spend reasonable money soon.
when I married and found out my husband was broken at his 50. I was scared to the death and had 3 years living $1/day to pay off his debts. then continue save pennies till I felt not much worry for retiring life and the worst case can move back to the split level house (which is not suitable for legs broblem as old ages). Today I have more confidence to live in our current favourist house if Trump does change usa and his better health insurance policy for americans.
My sister is nervous about her son's girlfriend. I told her the same thing if the girlfriend has a job, save penny and willing help the house cleaning, she has nothing to worry. She had a fight with son just because she concerned the girl's family not rich enough.
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-06-03 03:58 回覆:

my brother-in-law told my husband when he 1st time came to taiwan visiting me that he will be rich because I am 节省-type never spent lot money on myself except one time to be president special assistant bought clothings(NT10,000?).

I did tell him if we met earlier we could live in a million house already. now our house value around 240,000/220,000(bought 150,000/160,000) for each.

Think about our case and be happy and marry her asap.

2017/06/03 02:47
Convert to RIRA? maybe already too late and not worth.
--if you want give IRA money to your kids, RIRA may help.
Traditional IRA contributions are tax deductible on both state and federal tax returns for the year you make the contribution, while withdrawals in retirement are taxed at ordinary income tax rates. Roth IRAs provide no tax break for contributions, but earnings and withdrawals are generally tax-free. So with traditional IRAs, you avoid taxes when you put the money in. With Roth IRAs, you avoid taxes when you take it out in retirement.
--once again it might not correctly. it as usual has 2 versions. one you don't pay tax when you withdraw. 2nd you have to pay the tax for dividends you made in RIRA, however you don't have to withdraw after 70 1/2.
We believe have to pay tax for dividends you made. usa is a tax country no matter what you have to pay tax or severely punishment you suffer.
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-06-03 02:50 回覆:

earnings and withdrawals are generally tax-free

--you have to pay attention the word "generally".

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-06-03 03:13 回覆:

earlier we called SSR about prepay tax and was told our pension, SSR don't count as income. don't worry to pay tax in advance at all.

not until we tried to find out MRD recently then it turned out we have to pay partially SSR tax as added MRD income caused. Fortunately we haven't get MRD money should have no penalty.

you see what I mean? not until the last moment you won't know the truth, even usa officers don't know all the rules, still you, people, responsible for everything.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-06-12 16:19 回覆:

because very upset Obama's health care charge me $575.56/mm for nothing, so I refused to buy, and now I would force to pay $1197 penalty, about $100/mm.

Trump should know his 5 times more for the seniors would become a diaster. As I mentioned before pay 3-4 times more than medicare(my husband paied $132) is acceptable if only if the same service/quality.

if Trump can reduce bloody wars but focus on americans need--health care, he should have no problem to get 2nd term.

2017/06/03 02:15

since there is a reporting that 2/3 young kids don't invest, our banks which hold 401K, IRAs try hard to keep their clients money stay.

we heard two version: 1. 401K, IRA are the same you can withdraw  one  of them

 2. 401K  and  IRA are different must separately withdraw. we dicide separately in different places.  because to make sure I am the sole beneficiary  in my husband all 401K, IRAs accounts.  one of the company's 401K should have me as beneficiary on the records but then they transfered to another and another booking companies, didn't have my name on the paper in the end, we just found out yesterday.

if I'm not sole beneficiary we would pay the penalty because we can't apply spousal exception joint life expectancy.

2017/06/03 02:02

--It is not our case, we live the same way except now we spent money without worry. indeed after he retired(69)  the water reduced because he does not every other day take bath. however we spent more in foods, utilities.. because evrything jump up. Quite earlier I thought we can live with $2500/mm but never succeed, the year we bought MS MONEY 2000?.

before he retired I adjust to $4000/mm but company's employee health insurance and later Obama's health care once again proved I was wrong, last year finally paied off medical debts.

I am waitting for Trump's to find out what's the budget I should set. 錢不敢花 caused by bloody medical expenses not anything else even you are middle-low class your house could be gone by that if you didn't get a good, have concious doctors.


--we just found out it and busy to calculate 最低提款 to avoid 50%的懲罰. it is the year you are 70 1/2 you must 提款 from your IRA(not RIRA), 401K, however you can till next year (as 71)before April 1st but you have to  提款 twice one for 70 one for 71(due dte before 12/31). you have to know your 70 and 71 years old tax rate well.

最低提款 called as MRD, base on a year before(70) how much totally in IRA account divide the %, we as joint tax report and 11 years difference(his 71 in the end of 70 1/2 year me 60 and his sole beneficiary) a bit low(27.2). the table called as spousal exception joint life expectancy.

the worst about IRA, 401K is if you sold out mutual funds/stocks and the unit price lower than you bought you don't get tax credit as loss. the money withdrawed all tax.

Convert to RIRA? maybe already too late and not worth.
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-06-15 05:26 回覆:




--from my vies the lesspenalty 就是對美國人更大氣、更友善和更富人情味 especially the 2 parties very poor mathematics, themselves are quite rotten didn't know  how tough middle-low class try so hard not to be the poor. there is no reason to punish middle-low class.

the rotten can hire professional accoutant, financial expert to make sure not one penny loss but make more profits from weird this and that tax reduced. middle-low class like us only pay more tax because didn't know freaky this and that rules, even we knew some in the end we were cheated by energy saving companies (didn't get tax deductible because not apporved by government) most time we over-paied federal tax because the scary punishment.

earlier we bought energy saving sliding door and washing/drier machines and turned out they are not qualified, after that we never trust those tax deductible products announcements by government. we thought the less listen to government noncence the better, it's no good but cheating us.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-06-15 05:31 回覆:

from my view the less penalty 就是對美國人更大氣、更友善和更富人情味

--it is also true for usa treats the other countries especially those on usa black list.

why punish americans, punish china who have talents in mathmetics did nothing wrong? why punish people who try so hard not become society burden?