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2023/12/22 19:43:09瀏覽17|回應0|推薦0
Does TransUnion ask for Social Security number?
TransUnion maintains a separate credit file for each individual. Without your Social Security Number, the quality and accuracy of your credit history could be compromised. The federal Fair Credit Reporting Act permits TransUnion to maintain personal and credit information in our records.
--when i applied free credit report as EquiFax data bleach victim, i called 3 credit compaines 2 of them inquired my SS number i felt unconfortable just suffered the fraud banker who inquired SS nummber to identify myself.
Who is allowed to ask for SSN?--Businesses, banks, schools, private agencies, etc

will banks ask your SS number to identify your ID?
Yes, in certain circumstances. A bank may be required to obtain an identification number for several kinds of banking-related activities, including: When opening an account. For monetary (deposit and loan) transactions.
--this year after 4/4 the fraud bankers always asked my SS number to identify my ID till the last one with heavy INDO accent and spoke fast inquired my calling bank pin number and sent code requested my full checking account number and authorized her open my account. after i told her the code and pin number, last 4 digit account number i asked spouse help me to see whether it was fraud and spouse saw the code text message showing "well never call to ask for this code..." spouse got hyper kept saying "its fraud"and i spoke loudly "you dont get my authorization..." couple times and hanged off. immediately we went to branch then police station.
when i checked history login found 11/14 "tablet" not myself and spouse "desktop" that is the date we went to branch and report to police.

Who is allowed to ask for SSN?
Businesses, banks, schools, private agencies, etc., are free to request someones number and use it for any purpose that does not violate a federal or state law. Sometimes they will issue a different number if you ask.Oct 7, 2022
--you see quite confused that we were told never tell others your full SSN.

Do banks ask for full SSN?
To open a checking or savings account, the bank or credit union will need to verify your name, date of birth, address, and ID number. An ID number can be a social security number or an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN).Aug 19, 2020

12/22/2023 from what we suffer millions fraud callings and emails in the end i cant see there is a solution to stop ID thefty. that reminds our previous old lady neighbours even we invited each other entered inside house in day time but in the evening she and son wont open door at all even knew its me. she gave me her phone number whenever i found her garage door didnt close and called but she wont pick up phone at all.
when she turned down my help that she can use our bathroom then suggested her pay $10/hr or so get assist helper (that taiwan woman told me) then she told me she cant trust any strangers. All the years her lawn mower and other house-related repairing must be the same white.
sometimes others came i knew she was at home but wont answear the door. i did ask they told me had appointment, first couple times i would help them but later knowing she was afraid or changed minds so ignore. i began used to the way usa is--only say hi or funny conversation in yard when she and another rich guy came out.
美国演员探店特朗普大厦:店里几乎都是“中国制造” 时间: 2023-12-23 00:25:13
来源: 侨报网综合 编辑: 李明
【侨报网综合讯】以政治讽刺和街头采访风格著称的前总统特朗普的反对者——美国演员兼博主沃尔特·马斯特森(Walter Masterson)近日到特朗普大厦中专门售卖特朗普竞选纪念品的商店探店。他“惊讶”地发现,嘴里时常攻击“中国抢走美国就业”,呼吁美国民众多支持“美国制造”的特朗普,其纪念品商店里的商品居然几乎都是“中国制造”。
--haaa dont you know 政经分离? dont you know why foods, oil jump so high caused by master wars 政经不分? we taiwan people knew better suffering 政经不分独(毒)害 turns many our people became 反智吃莱猪核食核香菇粉加拿大疯牛(2021年) then 缺鸡蛋吃毒蛋白粉 日本每人每年吃两次每次多吃5个扇贝 how about our rotten谢神棍 vs 美军开始采购日本海鲜但首批只有不到1吨扇贝.
at least 特朗普 supporters knew 政经分离 especially businessmen. haaaa
“这顶特朗普帽子,我敢打赌是美国制造。”他挑了一款最经典的红色“特朗普帽子”,一翻标签——MADE IN CHINA(中国制造)。马斯特森深谙节目效果,转而拿起一旁的特朗普形象的公仔,“我觉得应该不会所有商品都是中国制造的,让我们来看看这个公仔,这回应该是(美国制造)了……哦,还是中国制造。”“别放在心上,我们再看看别的……”然而,无论他拿起的是袜子,还是马克杯,几乎全部都印着“MADE IN CHINA”,好不容易才找到了产自孟加拉国的T恤。
--at least Trump still is honest and as businessman background. we got target gift cards from Humana benefit but only bought few items (coffee maker by self boil water slowly pour out to the ball-like glass with filter, lead water filter) after that we hardly visit target because too expensive and usa made lead water filter quality deeply down.
the store has very few clients for 3 years already, spouse warns me use gift cards asap before shut down. maybe 沃尔特 探店特朗普大厦 can help Target import“中国制造”that i tried couple times to buy china cotton-made underwear for us, spouse leather belt, my outdoor/indoor pantns but failed. i am considering to learn how to order on line.
ps 12/21 in the beginning spouse would boil water twice for mornning and evening drinking coffee. but later tries boil enough water once then microwave cold coffee water that tasted not great.
ps its difficult for me to trust email that cant identify is fraud or not. especially from the sender "temu pallet" weird email address as "133s38vil1..." i believe it is fraud to set up china Temu company. i did expect some one in usa can demo show how to order Temu or else from on line very detail step by step. or knew the product well how to select the size-matter products for clients. in taiwan my eldest brother told me his friend sell china products so he bought 2 coats for spouse in 2014?, he loves the coat very much(very confortable and keeps body warm) still wear it and another still completely new.

i had bad experience order a glove for hand fingers problem from Humana pharmacy on line that selected small size but too small and cant return nor refund. when i inquired as adult small size shouldnt become kids size. this is 2nd times. previous one was bathroom use chair that back support very badly design cant believe such product still exist because years earlier i bought from walgreen and returned caused by very unconfortable,
this is why still hesitate to order size-matter products on line.

超過日元 人民币11月成國際支付第四大貨币 時間: 2023-12-23 03:13:22 來源: 僑報網綜合
編輯: 時間
--not surprised at all. i always suspect why japan long time 日元扁值 still so hot.
( 知識學習科學百科 )
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