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粤女来美见网友失联:两人被列为"自愿失踪"--导游 or 网友?7/21 10pm 嫌疑人驾车向陆战队军人消费合作社 军事基地 战士俱乐部
2023/08/18 04:45:55瀏覽27|回應0|推薦0
47岁粤女来美见网友失踪案:男子遗体被找到 时间: 2023-10-13 04:32:04 来源: 侨报网综合
编辑: 江塔
--suicided or be silent? any cash/wallete with driver licece or state ID? 粤女 dead body very likely dumped on the road toward to 军事基地 area.
--it was not hot weather caused the death or the suspect already went to police reported. it is the money he needed in urgent and very likely 粤女 sensed it is impossible for their marriage(he was not her Mr. Right).

粤女来美见网友失联:两人被列为“自愿失踪”时间: 2023-08-13 06:50:06 来源: 侨报网综合 编辑: 江塔【侨报网综合讯】中国驻洛杉矶总领馆12日表示,已介入中国公民金芳(音)在南加州失踪一事,正与当地警方沟通要求寻人。此前,该女子自中国来美与网民“奔现”后与家人失联。
--she seemed sit on driver seat, did she have driver licence can use in usa? the vimactim took photo and shared with family during her trip?
警方经调查发现,与金芳在一起的美国男子是约翰·菲特派崔克(John Root Fitzpatrick),现年52岁,身高约1.72米,体重约83公斤。据悉,菲特派崔克是一名退伍军人,有犯罪前科,曾因攻击轻罪判缓刑。
事发地区极端高温 家人心急如焚
-- must be very carefully, too many crimes in usa.
案例详细信息 案例编号:*******1219 备案日期:2020年8月26日
案例状态:已处置-其他已处置 案例类型:其他-其他罪犯 法院:圣贝纳迪诺县高级法院(San Bernardino County Superior Courts)
法院:约书亚树区法院 (Joshua Tree District Courthouse) 县、州:加利福尼亚州圣贝纳迪诺( San Bernardino, California)
Judges Faherty, Shannon L Gilbert, Ronald J Cortez, Rodney A
原告: 加利福尼亚州人民(The People of the State of California) 被告人:FITZPATRICK, JOHN ROOT
from: https://unicourt.com/case/ca-sbr1-the-people-of-the-state-of-california-vs-john-root-fitzpatrick-32513
公民详细信息 被捕者姓名John Root Fitzpatrick
地址XXXXXX pc 48(已验证)加利福尼亚州莫朗戈山谷市
年龄/性别52/男性 种族白人 头发/眼睛MUL/HAS 身高/体重5-08英寸/180磅
逮捕细节 因245(A)(4)-可能产生GBI的致命武器袭击被捕 逮捕日期2022年5月12日
发布日期不可用 保释金额不可用 避雷器位置XXXXXX pc 48
圣贝纳迪诺被捕县 来源:圣贝纳迪诺县警长
以前的逮捕 约翰·鲁特·菲茨帕特里克 被捕日期:2022年5月12日
可能产生GBI的致命武器攻击 5/12/2021 and 6/9/2021, 5/12/2022
接收被盗财产-机动车取得车辆W/O车主的同意 2/4/2021....
from: https://www.localcrimenews.com/welcome/detail/74842471/john-root-fitzpatrick-arrest.html

方进和约翰·菲茨帕特里克 作者:热苏斯·雷耶斯 2023年8月10日下午1:59 发布时间:2023年8月10日下午1:55
SBCSD PIO Mara Rodriguez告诉新闻频道3,Fitzpatrick被聘为金在莫朗戈盆地地区的导游。

--导游 or 网友 or both? they met many years ago? the man didnt look the same as the "金芳与该男子合影。(图片来源:广州《南方都市报》"; could be the victim relatives provided wrong photo for 南方都市报 reporter?
from: https://kesq.com/news/2023/08/10/authorities-confirm-link-in-two-missing-person-cases-in-morongo-basin/

ps "Sheriff confirms missing woman hired missing Morongo Valley man as guideBy Jene Estrada Hi-Desert Star Aug 11, 2023Updated Aug 11, 2023"
--however "https://namus.nij.ojp.gov/case/MP106457" showing as:
2023年7月30日星期日,大约1150时,一位朋友报告John ~ Fitzpatrick在Morongo盆地地区失踪。Fitzpatrick最后一次为人所知是驾驶一辆蓝色丰田,位于塔科马,加州牌照24478S1。据描述,Fitzpatrick是一名成年白人男性,身高508英寸,体重185磅,黑色头发,淡褐色眼睛。
from : MissingPersonIn CA by Nightnightgun
Hi Desert Star should be commended for keeping this in the news ... hoping this helps spread the word.
Newer info:
"At this time both people are being considered voluntarily missing by the Sheriff’s Department."
so, this is odd. Really? A 47yo mom from a foreign country decides to up and disappear into the desert with some dude she met 6 months ago online? Thats their take? I mean I dont know JRF or JF personally but this type of behavior would make sense if they were decades younger. Just my thoughts.
“Fitzpatrick was hired to be Jin’s tour guide of the Morongo Basin area,” said Sheriff’s Department public information officer Gloria Huerta. “They were supposed to go camping, but the amount of time was not disclosed.”
Hired? As in, paid? If they are voluntarily missing then why would she pay him to be her guide? Is he a con artist? I assume theyre following a money trail of some kind. Did the family of JF know that she was hiring a guide? I thought they were told she was going camping with friends, plural? Did she have a return flight booked to China? Did she have online boyfriends in the past in USA or other countries?
Headline is "Sheriff confirms missing woman hired missing Morongo Valley man as guide"
Again, I dont buy the angle that JF is voluntarily missing with JRF and that she paid him to be her guide. It just sounds like an odd explanation!
--haaa exactly. i worry her life in extreamly danger or already killed definitely not 自愿失踪 especially she sent trips photos to her family.
Technical_Diet_9930 100% Agree! First, family said, conversations between Jin and JRF never mentioned “tourist guide”, Its always been in a romantic or friendship. JRF said he “will show her around and camping with her in the dessert”. JRF even went to say he “will pay for your plan ticket”, which she took as a nice suggest, but Jin used her own credit card. It’s her another old friend went airport picked up her and drop her to a hotel. This old friend had quite concern about her internet relationship. He or She reminded her to install a location tracking app, which Jin failed to do so. The friend received her text message indicted everything is fine, he or she called Jin on 17th to make sure she’s safe. Afterwards, the friend saw her posted to social median daily until 21st. I’ll attach the video. Since she’s in daily contact with her family (daughter/parents). Family called her on 23rd around 3am (they’re in China) and expected she call back within a few hours. They never heard her since then. Friends and family then made multiple phone calls until 25th, they heard” the phone you’re calling is turned off or something indicating power-off. Here is her phone #+8613823618075 (imsi: 460003016374931). The family report her missing on 25th. As I know, cops never did actual search. At the time, JFR was still out somewhere for questioning. According to her family, cops even told them someone reported his truck in the Moronga Valley area, but cops failed to follow-up. Now they lost sights of JRF.
from https://www.reddit.com/r/MissingPersonInCA/comments/15pgqca/httpswwwyoutubecomwatchvsus0hxosffe/:

Elaine C Aug 12, 2023: This is the last video Missing Person Fang Jin sent out to friends. She stated that they (John Root Fitzpatrick, also "missing") were driving to a "remote place" to camp. As of today, nobody have heard from her. There is GoFund me page, please help the family to find her and bring her home!

Can anyone familiar with that part of SoCal help narrow down where this is? Its a car radio playing the VERY retro song Sailing by Christopher Cross.(ps 这是一台车载收音机,播放克里斯托弗·克罗斯的复古歌曲《帆船》。)

The owner of this subreddit just shared it with me- I have questions.
-Why did she send it? Was she in distress? Or just sharing what the night skyline looks like? How was it shared? On wechat? Why is it so short? Did she add any text?

from: Technical_Diet_9930 I am volunteer. The family only has one family friend in SoCal and speaks little English. I am the first one joining the effort to help them. Currently acting as connections between JFs daughter and police. Her daughter has no access to US internet, bcz(ps because) they have their own sort of internet which is not connected to the world.(ps many americans knew very little about china and chinese from the news i would say she treated the man as good friend and happily, and very likely met in internet ie china interet link with world without doubt)

from:GaGirl2021 Go to Websleuths.com and join as a verified member There’s already a thread dedicated to finding her.
from:@pughaus7968 This video appears to have been taken heading North on Adobe Rd in Twentynine Palms. It begins roughly at the corner of White Sands Drive and Adobe Rd, passes by Desert Dunes Drive and the Palms Baptist Church on the right and ahead on the right you can see Cobbs Body Shop. I hope this is helpful.

from Meganmarie_1: It doesn’t look like the 10 to me. There are side streets, business signs and structures along this road and I can’t really think of any stretch of the 10 between Ontario and Palm Springs that is like that. I am happy to be corrected though. There are a lot of big, four lane non freeway roads in the desert. Practically every main road in Palm Desert for example is like that (but I don’t think this is Palm Desert).

One thing I noticed is there seems to be white street sign in the video. It’s at the bottom right side at the 5 second mark. I think that is fairly unusual. I think the street signs are generally green.(ps i would say the white sign is speed limit or information sign, later brown then green sign is information and street signs)

ps when her friend or family received the last short video, did it bother and worry them? it was dark and the man seemed saying "hang on". im not sure she (or he ) drived badly or she moved her camera(cell phone?) left->right->middle-left like drunker or sleepy driver(the worst was drugged). i would say she was neurvous tried to record where she went.
..............................updated 8/17/2023
from West-Koala8742 Yes. Ive IDd the location of that video and my heart sank when I saw where they were. (A few clues were a brief glimpse of a street sign thats the same unique shape as 29 Palms street signs which narrowed it down to a city- and the prominent 55 painted onto the roadway along with the shape of the church building and its unique roof line.)
Anyway, the video was taken in Twentynine Palms heading north on Adobe Rd and it starts at about the corner of White Sands Drive on the right and passes the Palms Baptist Church, also on the right.
Street view Link here
Adobe Rd terminates at the Marine Base. Its also a route in to Wonder Valley, a sparse, desolate area with a history of, well.... https://sbcsentinel.com/2021/02/panic-in-wonder-valley/

As dark as it is, that video must have been taken after 9 pm, which is a strange time to embark on a camping trip in a remote desert area in the middle of summer.
When I saw the brief video and read that it was sent without any text and was the last communication from her I was really concerned. Theres a reason she sent it and it certainly wasnt to show off the beautiful desert scenery.
Ive commented on the youtube video with the location, and left a message for the detective. (who is off today)
I can only imagine how worried her family and friends are.
from Technical_Diet_9930 Thanks so much for IDing the location on Adobe Rd. and for giving the details. Very interesting & informative! The video was taken on 7/21/23 at 10:19 pm. Yeah, we cant figure out why Fitzpatrick or someone else would have been driving Ms. Jin on the road to the marine base(海军基地) that late at night. Is there a particular reason why your heart sank when you saw they were there? Can you think of anything they could have been doing on or near the base at that hour? Could they get to Wonder Valley or another camping location by traveling that stretch of Adobe Rd.? Below are 2 photos that Ms. Jin took earlier on 7/21. It looks like they were driving on dirt roads in a mountainous area. Any idea where they were?

ps 生死不明!美国失联华人女子家属澄清:已订回程票 决非留美不... from worldjournal
我母亲确实见他是退役军人,有着天真的想法以为军人中不会有太坏的人,只觉得对方有厉害的本事在身 反而能够保障自己的安全。我母亲是个很善良的人,很少以坏心去想别人,这是她的天真之处。其次,在网上查询这个人的犯罪前科其实也不是一件很容易的事情,自己查询的也只看到了一些轻罪交通之类的,谁曾想他居然是在probation的缓刑犯,也没想到一个有前科有犯罪史的人能够自在地逍遥法外,这是法律体制不健全所致,而不是我母亲的善良所致; ....
--she was very wrong about usa 军人. i would say 1971 born cant enter college in 1990 then became 军人 later was forced to 退役 like spouse sister husband (not good enough to long stay in army according to spouse told me and hated his fair with other female cases after married his sis.) went to work in hospital as delievery job at night shift.
think about usa jails quite full cant but set free even serious criminals by all means to reduce the state burden. those private websites collected personal informations also can be disputed by same names different people plus usa privacy laws. why the suspect selected nearby marine base? the 1st thing came to my mind he is quite familiar with it as 海军?退役 might already plan to sell her body to those certain 海军.
--the thing bother me why she didnt request to find hotel/motel on HW

it seemed 7/21 10 pm was driving toward to Twentynine Palms Commissary -Defense
and Defemarine corps exchange(陆战队军人消费合作社) 核心品牌军团价值; MCAGCC CMA military base(军事基地), warriors club(战士俱乐部)
it is possible if the suspect turn left a bit earlier on rt 62 (29 Palm Hwy) toward to 5 Joshua Tree 4 .Thermal - truck photo. the weird is from Twentynine Palms, California 92277-Joshua Tree, California 92252-SureStay Plus By Best Western Yucca Valley Joshua Tree, 56525 29 Palms Hwy, Yucca Valley, CA 92284-Morongo Valley, California 92256 takes 45min 32.9 miles. there are motels nearby . where he drived to after 10pm? im afraid either she fought against (军人) sex abuse and been killed or the suspect raped, killed and stole her money. the detective could solve the case.
ps https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mid=1nYsrLv6o02AI74pHzJ9hdD2O7CHHs-4&ll=33.71106369764733%2C-116.6897432484375&z=8
1 Los Angeles Intl Airport 7/14 1 W oforld Way, Los Angeles, CA 90045
2 Redlands 7/15 metro train? Redlands, CA
3 Palm Springs 7/15/23 Palm Springs, CA
The man picked Ms. Jin up in Palm Springs on 7/15, took her to Joshua Tree and Thermal,
ps 1(7/14联合车站附近旅店过夜)-2(7/15 metro train)-3(7/15 网友picked up)-(x4)-5(Joshua Tree 7/15)-6(7/21 last video then killed?)-5(Joshua Tree 7/21)-(Lauren Cho death 2021) 4(7/21Morongo Valley last seen?)-(x3)-7(7/22 Thermal truck)-8(7/24 Julian suspect called then disappeared)
1 2 4 5 6
salton sea(big lake)
ps east of 4 was Lauren Cho death 2021 who lived in salton sea ps 加州内陆萨尔顿(Salton Sea)的网红景点孟买海滩(Bombay Beach),

3 Palm Springs 7/15 dirctly to 5 Joshua Tree 7/15 then 6 Last video sent 10 pm on 7/21, 5 7/21,
4 Morongo Valley 7/21/23 then 7 Thermal - truck photo 7/22, 8 Julian - Jpf phone 7/24
5 Joshua Tree - between 7/15 & 7/21
The man picked Ms. Jin up in Palm Springs on 7/15, took her to Joshua Tree and Thermal, and then supposedly took her to go camping at “a small town in the desert.” But as of 7/22, the daily contact from Ms. Jin abruptly stopped. Her phone was no longer answered, her social media posts and phone calls stopped, and her phone finally showed as no longer in service on 7/25.
PS Jin Fangs Photos/Videos in US from r/MissingPersonInCA Technical_Diet_9930

Here are all photos/videos that Jin Fang took in the U.S. between 7/15 (arrival at LAX) and 7/21 (last video on Adobe Rd. in 29 Palms at 10:19 pm) -- see link below. Note: all times shown on photos/videos are Chinese time; to adjust to Calif. time, subtract 15 hrs. Ms. Jins daughters hope that sharing these photos will assist in locating their mother. Thanks for any assistance & tips.
Fangs photo/video in US
7/14 airport, 7/15 hotel
7/16 2 videos road green sign showing desert hist springs 4, she was in driver seat happy,
7/17 10 PHOTOs 1 video- suspect blue truck and a tree, she was in driver seat happy smiling,
Many of these photos were taken at the below locations, which is a dirt trail that parallels highway 247 right where it drops into Pipes Canyon:
7/19 1 video showed she had a camera? hinged to outside cars roof.
7/20 1 photo 1 video
7/21 9 photo 2 videos park side
from nirbenvana : 7-21-9.jpg was taken in the Old Dale mining district, in this exact spot on the Ivanhoe Mine rd:
34.056553, -115.697325
Here is a screenshot from Google Earth of the same angle.
I believe several of the other photos from this folder are at or near that location.
Some photo locations:

6 Last video sent 10 pm on 7/21des
This video appears to have been taken heading North on Adobe Rd in Twentynine Palms. It begins roughly at the corner of White Sands Drive and Adobe Rd, passes by Desert Dunes Drive and the Palms Baptist Church on the right and ahead on the right you can see Cobbs Body Shop. I hope this is helpf

6->5 Joshua Tree - between 7/15 & 7/21 Joshua Tree, CA 92252
The man picked Ms. Jin up in Palm Springs on 7/15, took her to Joshua Tree and Thermal, and then supposedly took her to go camping at “a small town in the desert.” But as of 7/22, the daily contact from Ms. Jin abruptly stopped. Her phone was no longer answered, her social media posts and phone calls stopped, and her phone finally showed as no longer in service on 7/25.

ps 7/21 bad things happened(fell slept?) if she used cash to pay hotel , police should dig out whether the suspect ever used his credit card
and confirmed local hotels/motels/restaurants... ever saw both.
the worst she carried 數千美元 in stead credit-like card which can trace.

5->4 Morongo Valley 7/21/23 Morongo Valley, CA 92256
last seen 7/21/23 in or near Morongo Valley, CA. Source: https://www.gofundme.com/f/donate-to-find-missing-person-fang-jin

在网上认识了一名来自莫朗戈山谷的男子(John Root Fitzpatrick饰)并与他通信了6个月后,金女士于7月14日(她第一次来美国)来到洛杉矶,希望与该男子一起参观约书亚树国家公园,并在该地区的其他地点探索和露营。在来美国之前,金尽全力调查了这名男子的背景,要求提供背景报告,并核实了这名男(not 女)子的身份、服役和就业记录。(ps obviously whoever confirmed 这名男子的背景 was thru google searched that always delclared collect similar names information not 100% correctly, the worst usually were traffic-related court sued even you paied for $1 trial)
ps last seen the victim sent photos to family on 7/21 CA date/time or china date time? be alert must use the correctly usa date and time.
it seemed the suspect from Morongo Valley to Thermal - truck photo 7/22
by pass 3 Palm Springs 7/15/23. could be dump dead body to the salton sea?
then drived to (8 Julian - Jpf phone) and disappeared.

4->7 Thermal - truck photo 7/22 Thermal, CA 92274
According to the family LE said the image of the truck was from a campground in Thermal. A camera captured the man’s truck (blue Toyota truck, CA license #24478S1; see above photo) in Thermal on 7/22 The man picked Ms. Jin up in Palm Springs on 7/15, took her to Joshua Tree and Thermal, and then supposedly took her to go camping at “a small town in the desert.” But as of 7/22, the daily contact from Ms. Jin abruptly stopped. Her phone was no longer answered, her social media posts and phone calls stopped, and her phone finally showed as no longer in service on 7/25.
--7/21-7/22 she already died, only showed the suspect his truck, to dump dead body in? where the suspect lives address(should be 3 Palm Springs) ? ps 8/17/2023 John Fitzpatrick home Address 51063 29 Palms Hwy #48 Morongo Valley, CA 92256 very close to 4 Morongo Valley and the dead Cho(Yucca valley)

7->8 Julian - Jpf phone 7/24 Julian, CA 92036
the man’s last cellphone activity was tracked to Julian, CA on 7/24. Phone pinged at a tower in Julian per PD.
ps he called some one he trusted wont leak whats happened and else.

ps just searched "OMG!又一亚裔女孩被爆神秘失踪!细节惊人相似!环球网
2021-09-29 13:06 环球网官方账号"
i tried to know about the victim Lauren Cho previous boy friend Cody Orell (the news only mentioned Orell in stead Cody Orell) and found "ecnoparket.dixiesewing.com › entertainment › who-is Who Is Lauren Cho Boyfriend Cody Orell? Was The Missing Teen ..." was attacked(black out) and another"Who Is Cody Orell? Age, Family, Missing Lauren Cho Boyfriend ..." got bad racist accused which website forbid copy function. Cody Orell got protection like has quite mystery life--hardly find anything about him. suspect he has very powerful family behind.
the only one responsed from NO 11/11/2021 wrote: 你现在需要修复你的图像。这些是丹尼尔·罗宾逊(Daniel Robinson)的照片,他是一位失踪的地质学家,而不是科迪·奥雷尔。这是不可接受的,也是种族歧视。你需要立刻把它取下来。修复你他妈的照片,做更好的研究——这充满了种族主义的味道
ps "New details emerge in the car crash related to Daniel Robinson’s disappearance"

By Aya Elamroussi and Amy Simonson, CNN Updated 5:45 AM EDT, Thu November 4, 2021
--i wonder whether the writer ("Who Is Lauren Cho Boyfriend Cody Orell..." 10/12/2021) forgot mention "another 24-year-old geologist Daniel Robinson missing" or mistake(very likely 2 cases happened same year, posted same period) or misguided reader(haaa frequently master groups medias did the same thing to black China)

ps some one in Twitter mentioned Cody Orell quite briefly.

ps 8/17/2023 can read "Who Is Lauren Cho Boyfriend Cody Orell? Was The Missing Teen Found? and 5 Quick Facts You Should Know" Published on 11 October 2021
...Where is Cody Orell now? His private details are kept confidential now. We failed to find Cody’s IG page at the moment. ps Cody still in confidential status 8/17/2023?
There are not enough details released about Cody at the moment. We only knew that he was the former partner of Lauren. They are moving on a roving bus to explore different places and pursue a change in their life.
Although Cody was the last person to see Lauren, he has not been a prime suspect since there is no particular evidence against him. We’ll keep you updated, stick with us.
( 知識學習科學百科 )
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