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2017/12/04 20:24:27瀏覽124|回應4|推薦0 | |
中领馆吁暂勿赴巴厘岛 若仍前往遇险获助费用需自理 --that's right, and should post it in 机场, if possible estimate how much needs to pay.
many 滥用 happens in usa too, and taxes higher and higher till can't endure. the worst is this and that cut down including SSR benefits. China people should be alert, and try hard stop those 滥用 people. when the day 巴厘岛 local anounced the high risk, china governmet should post the estimation fee and except those before the anounced date can get help, after the anounced date should pay by themself. this is the only way to stop 滥用. 遇险获助费用需自理 also should apply indoors for those didn't obey the rules such as climb/trip in high risk mountains/deserts... without register. post the estimation fee also can help those 3rd class people understand either they pay for those 滥用 people or help government stop those 滥用 people. 阿贡火山或再次喷发 国内航空公司取消巴厘岛航班 来源:央视新闻客户端 目前,阿贡火山的警戒级别仍为最高级,这几天机场正常开放已经使得大部分滞留巴厘岛的中国游客回到了中国。 央视记者 窦筠韵:我现在是印尼巴厘岛,在我身后就是巴厘岛的伍拉莱国际机场,我们可以看到,目前航班的起降一切正常,但巴厘岛当地政府表示火山仍有进一步爆发的可能性。 由于考虑到火山仍有随时大规模喷发的可能性,国内多家航空公司已经取消了飞往巴厘岛的航班。滞留在巴厘岛或者有意前往巴厘岛的游客可以在航空公司网站查询具体的航班信息和安排。 |
( 休閒生活|旅人手札 ) |