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I believe Denise, Derrick, are good persons.您們對中文認知有困難,需儘快向學校老師或專家RCMP等請教求證及求援。
2010/07/17 11:51:32瀏覽531|回應2|推薦0
I believe Denise, Derrick, are good person.若您們對中文認知有困難,需要進一步瞭解,可向學校老師或專家,及台灣駐溫哥華辦事處,與RCMP等請教求證及求援。http://blog.udn.com/alpineatks/4227863
Denise, Derrick,

I believe Denise, Derrick, are good person.
I don't believe that my own son Derrick would have written such demeaning letters.
Such letters must have been written by somebody else in his name, to try to seperate us.Such a person would be responsible to God for his or her action.
God knows the truth, and I don't need to respond to any false accusations any more.
I leave all results to God.

First, I never said I don't want my children.
Jack Lee二哥好意熱心,一再來電說Derrick和Angela要在JackLee二哥家同我通電話聯絡,

Second, I don't have a chance to talk to your mom or your brother on the phone those past 13 years. I really hope we can talk to each other, not through other person.

Third, I never mention 2 million dollars; it's never on my thought. Why is this number coming out? In fact, your mom told Jack Lee that she wants to give me 2 millions New Taiwan Dollars (新台幣) in order to end all the things and want me to write a promise letter about ending all the relationship with you all.
Denise, Derrick, 我想是你中文太不好了,因為這是簡單的加法,是小學數學。 “又提出你們母親個人希望我寫和解書要給我台幣一佰萬元,和辦妥台灣離婚手續證明後,再給我台幣一佰萬元等條件”。一共是兩百萬,對不對。 “In fact, your mom told Jack Lee that she wants to give me 2 millions New Taiwan Dollars (新台幣) in order to end all the things” 所有在場的朋友都聼到了, Jack Lee 說你母親要給我兩百万,但這兩百萬是要分兩次給的。看懂了嗎?
一. 台幣一佰萬元+台幣一佰萬元 + 二. millions New Taiwan Dollars (新台幣)------>同一件事 一. “JackLee你們先前請託好幾封這麽無情無義的信時,又提出你們母親個人希望我寫和解書要給我台幣一佰萬元,和辦妥台灣離婚手續證明後,再給我台幣一佰萬元等條件.” (2010/07/04 21:59:25)
二.“In fact, your mom told Jack Lee that she wants to give me 2 millions New Taiwan Dollars (新台幣) in order to end all the things” (2010/07/04 22:21:18)
Is that clear for you now?

Denise, Derrick, 我要建議你們要謹守兒女本份,勿一再被誤導被利用以偏激言詞來汙衊我,如被當做犧牲品的人肉炸彈利用,一再做出父子相殘,令人感覺親痛仇快的愚蠢事了,http://blog.udn.com/alpineatks/4196925
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Dear Dad From Derrick Part 1
2010/07/21 14:13


I am glad that you realize we are good people because we are brought up in good manners by my mom and brothers. I have been trying to tell you that things are good for us here and it’s really not what you imagined at all. I also believe that you can become a better person if you stop blaming other people. Instead of continuing to post hateful and untrue messages, you should start posting happy messages of us communicating with each other. It seems that you are more interested in making up accusations than actually spending time building a relationship with us.  Angela and I were ready to talk to you until Jack Lee二哥 called us to give us your message of not wanting to talk to us and not wanting us anymore. 

Dear Dad from Derrick part 2
2010/07/21 14:06

  Jack Lee二哥 is your friend, so why would he make up such a thing about you if it were not true? After catching you delete your postings to allow yourself to change your stories before reposting them again, I am losing my trust in your ability to set good examples for your children as a father.  I hope you can find your peace soon and perhaps I can come see you after you become a more honest person who is willing to spend time building relationships with his children rather than focusing on destroying other people’s lives.

Your Son Derrick