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《環球華報》提及的大温哥华房地产经纪中 的Winnie Chung (钟太) 卻實在是台灣通緝犯
2010/07/01 21:50:16瀏覽2002|回應3|推薦0

大温哥华房产中心 (Vancouver Realty Center) - 温哥华地产经纪,温哥华金牌地产经纪 - Winnie Chung 卻實在是台灣通緝犯 http://www.westca.com/House/agent/op=details/agentID=100/lang=schinese.html

2010/07/01 15:38

大温哥华房产中心 (Vancouver Realty Center) - 温哥华地产经纪,温哥华金牌地产经纪 - Winnie Chung (钟太) http://www.westca.com/House/agent/op=details/agentID=100/lang=schinese.html

经纪 => Winnie Chung (钟太)

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From Denise
2010/07/06 12:23

Help Please! My Chinese is not as good, can someone please help my father in translation into Chinese. He may be mentally ill and can’t seem to understand what I have been trying to tell him.

Dad (You don’t deserve to be called dad with what you have done to us, but I will give you the benefit of the doubt for now),

It’s clear from my last response that I did not make this posting, how can you purposely use my Chinese name to pretend that I posted something to agree with you? This is so sick and disgusting of you. How many people have you tried to hurt by doing this? How can you make a lie like this out of your own daughter’s name after you said you don’t even want us as your children?  Maybe you are really mentally unstable and need to get yourself some help from psychiatrists or psychologists!


江明樺及妻前夫二兒張書銘現改張博欽 & 張雲翔 本身卻娘娘腔卑鄙躲在3兒女胯下暗處,推兒女 當愚蠢可悲如人肉炸彈會傷人的犧牲品了!
2010/07/02 17:03
邪惡心腸狠毒妻江明樺Angel Chiang及至張書銘現改張博欽 Paul Chang & 張雲翔 Chang Clark 將原來大女Denise Hsu(七歲)大男Derrick Hsu(七歲)次女Angela Hsu (五歲)是被挾持脆弱可憐需保護的肉票!
現江明樺及妻前夫二兒張書銘現改張博欽  & 張雲翔 本身卻娘娘腔卑鄙躲在3兒女胯下暗處,推出Denise Chiang(20歲)大男Derrick Chiang(20歲)次女Angela Chiang(18歲)已被訓練成愚蠢可悲當如

From Denise
2010/07/02 10:45

Help Please! My Chinese is not as good, can someone please help my father in translation into Chinese. He is mentally ill and can’t seem to understand what I have been trying to tell him.

Dad (You don’t deserve to be called dad, but I will be polite just to show you what normal people

Are you done with your stories yet? Do you have no feelings of remorse for the innocent people
whom you hurt? People are afraid of you because you know they get scared if you threaten to
sue them, especially when those people are law abiding citizens and have good reputations.
And you even sue people knowing that they do not live in Taiwan and are not even from
Taiwan (for example, 鍾太). So you sue our family and these innocent bystanders so you can
get warrants against them because they don’t even know to show up for court. What kind of
person does that on purpose if not crazy? Mom and brothers always encourage us to find you
whenever we are ready, and I am not sure if I ever want to now that I know the type of person
you are. Please stop before you destroy our family.
