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2014/08/07 14:12:58瀏覽902|回應2|推薦1 | ||
Heavenly Father, Thy Build me a son whose heart will be clean, ambitious; directing others before him, first to understand control himself; never forget the lessons of the past, but also stretching into the future. So, my father, will dare to whisper: "I have not lived in vain." Pray the holy name of the Lord Jesus, Amen.
麥克阿瑟為子祈禱文--天父,求祢塑造我的兒子,心地清潔,目標遠大;使他在指揮別人之前,先懂得駕馭自己;永不忘記過去的教訓,又能伸展入未來的理想。如此,我這作父親的,才敢低聲說:「我沒有虛度此生。」奉主耶穌聖名祈求.阿門 ! http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/16158698
How are the three children now? How are their living and health situation etc.? To My dearest son( Derrick Hsu)and daughters( Denise Hsu& Angela Hsu),
神要我們常以"若是愛心,現在應該會如何做"的心態, 如此以愛的眼光來看世界,如此以憐憫的愛來體驗一切,如此以愛的熱誠來對待周邊的人,無論他們一向待您們或好或壞,我認為這都對您們的成長有產生很重要的影響. God wants us to often "if love, should now how to do it" mentality, so the point of view of the world with love, so love to experience the mercy of everything, so to love the enthusiasm to treat people around, whether they always you have to be good or bad, I think it will grow on you who have produced a very significant impact. 我要提醒您們應該回復到內心起初原來的愛心,快回心轉意,我渴望分開十七年多的您們要儘快與當父親的我再歡相聚,但我並不是希望您們選擇仇恨及必須離棄拐帶您們的母兄等人. I remind you who want to revert to the original first love heart, a change of heart, the desire to separate more than seventeen years and when you have to re-Huan meet my father, but I do not want you to choose your hatred and must forsake their abduction Mu Xiong et al. 但至於您們如何再繼續與拐帶您們的母兄等人和睦相處,我建議您們要居於 悔改,公義,仁愛的眼光,考慮應該如何合情合理合法地順著人情義理來瞭解父親的處境,快與父親聯絡,與我歡相聚,應就可使現有的生活未來會越來越好了. But as you have to continue to live in harmony with the abduction of their 母兄 you and others, I recommend that you have to live in repentance, justice, love of vision, should be reasonable and legitimate to consider how human relationships and principles to understand the father down the situation, fast contact with his father, and my joy together, you can make existing life should be better and better in the future. 求我神天父賜予我們更多的智慧,和更豐盛的恩典,希望兒女們常閱讀聖經,常去教會聽道,神必和您們同在,必有平安喜樂又凡事興盛. Begged me to God the Father gave us more wisdom, and more abundant grace, hope to children who often read the Bible, the church frequented hear, and your God will be with them in, there must be peace and joy and everything flourished. May God bless you greatly! Heavenly Father, Thy Build me a son whose heart will be clean, ambitious; directing others before him, first to understand control himself; never forget the lessons of the past, but also stretching into the future. So, my father, will dare to whisper: "I have not lived in vain." Pray the holy name of the Lord Jesus, Amen.麥克阿瑟為子祈禱文--天父,求祢塑造我的兒子,心地清潔,目標遠大;使他在指揮別人之前,先懂得駕馭自己;永不忘記過去的教訓,又能伸展入未來的理想。如此,我這作父親的,才敢低聲說:「我沒有虛度此生。」奉主耶穌聖名祈求.阿門.http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/15703003 我是17年來的一直尋找三兒女的父親,現在更擔心三兒女在遭遇拐帶她們的母親Angel Chiang(江明樺Ming-Hua Chiang)去世的打擊後,三兒女現在生活學業工作身心健康境況如何?
I am a father that has been looking for my three children for 17 years, I am worried about the hit of my son and daughters after their mother “Angel Chiang (Jiang Minghua Ming-Hua Chiang)” who even though abduct them from me had died. How are the three children now? How are their living and health situation etc.?http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/15742980
From:My person data: Teng-Chao Hsu 許登昭 , Canadian Immigration (18 Dec 1991) Canadian social Insurance # 729-111- 039 , CareCard# 9134-814-575 My house in Canada (4616 Halley Ave Burnaby B.C. Canada V5G 3E1)
alpineatks 主內許登昭(Derek Hsu)敬上,Canadian Immigration (18Dec 1991)Canadian social Insurance#729-111-039,CareCard#9134-814-575;Tel:886229132633;Fax:886229132640;Cell#:0886939191134,FaceBook:alpineatks,SKYPE:alpineatks,E-mail:alpineatks@gmail.com;http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks; 台灣住處:新北市新店區(231)百忍街6號2樓drk_hsu@yahoo.ca; ADD:2F.,No.6,BairenSt.,SindianCity,TaipeiCounty 23149,Taiwan 我希望分離十七年多的三兒女能瞭解父親的處境,快回心轉意聯絡歡相聚,必使現有生活未來會越來越好了.http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/15865250 I very much hope to return to Canadian families live life. Ask for help! http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/15672955
Tell Mayor Robertson what you think敬致溫哥華市長robertson羅品信市長加拿大現況的教育失敗了!受我資助的兩繼子大學畢業後竟忘恩負義破壞我家庭 http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/42406368 Share your ideas Tell the Mayor 敬致溫哥華市長羅品信市長大鑒:哪怕有一絲希望,我也願意抓住。”祈求協助分離十八年多父子女再相聚,懇請大力幫忙 http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/44738440 To My dearest son and daughters,神要我們以"若是居於愛心的位置,我現在應該會如何做?http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/16158698 我知鈞堤似曾學過鋼琴,及武術, 我常在網路索取各勵志影集和基督教雜誌,及好笑資訊...因為我喜歡閱讀,又想時時更新思想,及保持喜樂平安的心境. 不要再囿限於有業績要求,需要進貨成本,又貨品效期有限...等壓力重重的產品行銷生意了。http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/20167891 由對的夥伴形成信望愛重要夥伴商務合作高難度高門檻高金額高利潤的複合型專長行業 http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/12810711生意業務經驗整合出關聯性專長總是主動及搶先機.機械工程管理.理財資料整理.環保產品開發.保健美容食品開發等. http://blog.udn.com/alpineatks/11381809
不擋人財路及欺詐窮人而超越政府現行業務分類,及僵化法規,合法地搶先機高難度高門檻高金額高利潤的複合型專長行業 http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/19526127型專長行業http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/12810711 期望覓尋職場具生意業務開辦,克服困難,工作改善經驗同好,組成有信有望有愛,各司專長的業務合作團隊之三 http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/20415874 1997年萬寶地產Paul Chang (888lumberking@gmail.com ,Cell:00217788895306)和張雲翔Clark Y.H. Chang都已加拿大大學畢業成年人,應像男子漢要對自己的行爲負責了,http://blog.udn.com/alpineatks/10656096 希望我的三兒女儘快有足够智慧擺脫斯德哥爾摩綜合症的轄制受害者不必感到受羞辱,應受羞辱的是加害者三綁架罪犯http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/10551726 To My dearest son( Derrick Hsu)and daughters( Denise Hsu& Angela Hsu),我尋找你們的目的,是想盡父親的責任來幫助你們進入教育3.0+商務3.0快樂生活,做好自己,誠信努力多做些好事...http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/46687010 我家庭完全被破壞始作俑者係屬台灣統一關係企業的加拿大統一地產公司地產經紀鍾太太而造成我家庭完全被破壞如壓垮駱駝的最後一根稻草係台灣律師薛欽峰自稱溫哥華慈濟人溫哥華萬寶地產綁匪張博欽Paul Chang原名張書銘(888lumberking@gmail.com,Cell:00217788895306)是盜產主謀http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/26725387 To Denise,I told my three adult children talking about adult topics叛妻孽繼子她們犯幼童國際綁架案又矛盾地希望妳們以為我這一直到處光明正大在尋找妳們,並透過警察或朋友在尋找妳們的父親,污衊當父親的我是背叛家庭的人,我是品性不好的人, 如此希望我們父子女反目成仇, 就達成罪犯叛妻孽繼子她們三人現在塑造幼童國際綁架案被害人妳們當為人肉炸彈的功能... http://blog.udn.com/alpineatks/47852135
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