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Marcel Proust’s asthma 普魯斯特的氣喘
2011/10/25 21:07:03瀏覽991|回應0|推薦2

第一次氣喘發作在巴黎西邊的布洛涅森林Bois de Boulogne ( a park located along the western edge of the 16th arrondissement of Paris, near the suburb ofBoulogne-Billancourt and Neuilly-sur-Seine)

Edouard ManetRacecourse in the Bois de Boulogne (1872)

Marcel Proust’s asthma : 
  • first attack, aged 9, walking in the Bois de Boulogne
  • regular, severe attacks of asthma and hay fever throughout his life, shaping his daily rhythms and dictating his creativity – slept during the day and worked at night described in detail, particularly in letters to his mother: 如下
`Ma chere petite Maman, An attack of asthma of unbelievable violence and tenacity –such is the depressing balance sheet of my night, which it obliged me to spend on my feet in spite of the early hour at which I got up yesterday.’ (c. 1900)

`As soon as I reached Versailles I was seized with a horrifying attack of asthma, so that I didn’t know what to do or where to hide myself.  From that moment to this the attack has continued.’ (26-8-1901)

`Cher ami, I have been gasping for breath so continuously (incessant attacks of asthma for several days) that it is not very easy for me to write.’(Letter to Marcel Boulenger, January 1920)

`Ma chere petite maman, Yesterday after I wrote to you I had an asthma attack and incessant running at the nose, which obliged me to walk all doubled up and light anti-asthma cigarettes at every  obacconist’s as I passed, etc.  And what’s worse, I haven’t been able to go to bed until midnight, after endless fumigations . . .’(31 August 1901)

Proust 用來治療其氣喘Asthma的偏方, 以及疾病本身
塑造了他晚睡的生活習性, 以及好奇卻常離群索居的特質; 實則, 失去愛人的焦慮, 比起環境更易誘發他的氣喘.....

Epinephrine 麻黃素(有學理的喔)
Caffeine 咖啡因(有學理的喔)
Opium 鴉片....那年代毒品可治百病
Morphine 嗎啡
Isolation – cork-lined bedroom 獨居於軟木塞房間
Sea, lakeside and mountain resorts 度假
Carbolic acid fumigations 石炭酸薰蒸
Stramonium cigarettes 曼陀羅
Legras powders
Espic powders
Escouflaire powder fumigations


Proust's asthma had a psychic cause; Proust used his asthma as a crutch to avoid other problems: "[Proust] himself admitted his illness was psycho-neurotic, but he said he preferred it to unknown evils that might replace it, were he to relinquish it." (Miller, 1)

"When the Narrator learns of the sudden departure of Albertine (most likely his lover Agostinelli), he has again his 'souffle coupe' [interrupted breathing]. The connection between asthma and the anxiety of separation is a well-known clinical fact. According to a recent review of the problems, the asthmatic attack...represents the repressed cry for the mother....The asthmatic person is frequently one with exaggerated dependence on mother. Everything which threatens to separate the patient from the protective mother is apt to precipitate an asthmatic attack." (Bychowski)

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