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2010/11/24 12:41:22瀏覽720|回應0|推薦0 | |
→羅貝爾孟德斯鳩伯爵Robert de Montesquiou ↑21歲約1983與Madame Emile Straus 等友人 ↑ 法蘭西院士 阿那托勒˙法朗斯 Anatole France ; John Ruskin ◢ 普 氏 小 傳 ◣ ↑普魯斯特全家福 sur le seuil du chateau de Fremont ↑ 普弟弟Robert Proust; 普爸爸普魯斯特醫師 Adrien Proust和普弟弟 ↑ 普魯斯特醫師著書眾多,尤以右方神經學著作影響兒子寫作至深,當時解剖學已很進步 ( "A vivid, if highly impressionistic, account of the life of Jeanne Weil Proust, a woman who outwardly lived the life of a typical Jewish bourgeoise of the Third Republic, but who succeeded in raising France's unlikeliest literary giant. . . . Madame Proust tempts us to read the big book in a new way: as the most fulsome possible answer to a mother's wish to know what occupied her son."-Thomas Meaney, New York Sun (Thomas Meaney New York Sun ) ↑ 普弟弟Robert Proust |
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