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Ten Nights of Dream (part)
2015/10/05 00:49:05瀏覽245|回應0|推薦0

I went to movie theater this weekend...is a joke.

I watched a film at home.

Since stories are too hard to understand, I didn't finished it.

It was a Japanese movie, which is a novel of a great writer.

(His name is 夏目溯石. I don't know how to translate and lazy to search it.)

Though the words on cover seems embarassing, 

the movie is TOTAL different to the lines on the cover!

On the contray, it does catagorizes to horrible movie.

Addition, I like the arrangement, which is designated to ten directors.

Ten different styles distrubuted to ten styles men.

In the end, I recommend other who intrests the film:

Read the book first may helps people get into the world of dreams. 

p.s. Perhaps someone will question me: what is the relation between the story you tell and the picture? I can promise: Both confuse me a lot. 

( 心情隨筆雜記 )
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