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2015/09/13 19:13:36瀏覽186|回應0|推薦0

Oh my god~ unblievable!

When I saw the sky was cloudy, I just felt nice.

Until I got off the bus I took ten minutes ago, I was in a good mood.


I can promise that during the period I keep viewing outside the bus:

the sun was over there, a huge cloud was at the opposite, and 

the MOST IMPORTANT is the bus window was so clean, at least without any drop!!

How could it can be change so great?

the sun was still over there, and the cloud did as well. 


it's raining.

At the time, I caught the view of sky under my umbrella.

(I always bring it against the UV and the rain.)

only one word to describe, breathtaking.

(also, amazing, astonding, spetecular...it's up to you to use,

 I ,of course, take the most easy one! )

If I can picture the scene then, I would.

Unfortunately, I didn't bring my camera.

(What? smart phone? Blieve it or not, smart phone would make it monotone.)

Why I said this is that I am explaining today's diary has no picture. ha ha!

By the way, I shared my umbrella with a beauty.

She majors fine arts. 

how romantic the event is!

( 心情隨筆雜記 )
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