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Top 5 Disciplines Employers
2017/11/08 11:40:42瀏覽51|回應0|推薦0
Top 5 Degrees Employers Favor New Delhi:? Past couple of weeks we have seen several global rankings and the position which Indian institutes and Universities hold with respect to their global counterparts. The latest ranking being Global Employability Ranking of institutes which ranked institutes across the globe on their ability to prepare students for employment. In line with employability rank, are also the degrees which promise better employment opportunities for students than others. With Universities, these days, offering more than 200 degree courses and most universities also offering the option to choose a variety of combination, it can indeed be difficult for a student to select which degree to pursue.?

This is where employability after a degree comes into play. Some students prefer to study a degree which allows them to pursue their interest, some students want to take a prudent decision and take up a degree which is favored by employers when recruiting.?

Top 5 Disciplines Employers recruit from

According to the QS Global Employer Survey 2016, the top five disciplines which are a favorite with employers are: Computer Science and Information Systems Business and Management Studies Accountancy and Finance Electrical and Electronic Engineering Economics and Econometrics 

And according to the same survey the bottom five disciplines are: Classics and Ancient History Theology, Divinity and Religious Studies Philosophy History Anthropology 

However, students pursuing a degree in the bottom five need not worry as the survey results are largely dependent on the kind of employers responding. Also, most of these degrees are specific to only a few areas of employment and hence the lower rank on the survey.?

In the survey, employers from universities and research institutes too did not participate which accounts for the lower ranking of Social Sciences and Arts and Humanities disciplines.?

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