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2010/02/10 14:51:30瀏覽1076|回應0|推薦0

新加坡燈塔福音(lighthouse evangelism)基督教會的陳姓牧師Rony Tan在崇拜會上公開污辱與攻擊佛道教及教義,甚至以英語稱佛教為,垃圾,邪魔,假宗教,邪惡,盲者帶領盲者等污辱性質的語言,並且帶領其與會的信眾一同取笑佛教。

htt p://ww w.todayonline.co m/Singapore/EDC100209-0000115/ISD-calls-up-


當我們收到這些抗議信我們立即從網頁移去這些錄像,我也力促那些在 YouTube張貼的教友一併移去,在讀到一些直率的建言後,我立即告訴信眾要愛靈也要尊重其他信仰,不要以任何方式嘲諷他們,新加坡的和睦是我們首要的目標


08 February 2010

MHA's statement in Response to media queries on the Lighthouse Evangelism (LE) videos and comments made by Pastor Rony Tan of Lighthouse Evangelism, 08 February 2010
The Internal Security Department has called up Pastor Rony Tan of Lighthouse Evangelism (LE) today in connection with his comments and insinuations about Buddhism and Taoism at LE sessions. These sessions were video-recorded and made available on LE's website; video-clips of these sessions subsequently became available on YouTube and other websites.

2 Pastor Tan's comments were highly inappropriate and unacceptable as they trivialised and insulted the beliefs of Buddhists and Taoists. They can also give rise to tension and conflict between the Buddhist/Taoist and Christian communities. ISD told Pastor Tan that in preaching or proselytising his faith, he must not run down other religions, and must be mindful of the sensitivities of other religions. 2 Pastor Tan's comments were highly inappropriate and unacceptable as they trivialised and insulted the beliefs of Buddhists and Taoists.

3 Pastor Tan has expressed his deepest apologies and remorse. He deeply regrets that he has been insensitive and offensive towards the Buddhist and Taoist faiths, and that his comments have saddened and hurt their followers. He has promised that it will never happen again and has also affirmed that he will tell his members to respect other beliefs and build a harmonious Singapore. 3 Pastor Tan has expressed his deepest apologies and remorse. He deeply regrets that he has been insensitive and offensive towards the Buddhist and Taoist faiths, and that his comments have saddened and hurt their followers. He has promised that it will never happen again and has also affirmed that he will tell his members to respect other beliefs and build a harmonious Singapore.
Ministry of Home Affairs Ministry of Home Affair

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