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我是她…美5歲男童「前世記憶」 父母查證後嚇到
2015/02/09 18:49:22瀏覽390|回應0|推薦0

我是她…美5歲男童「前世記憶」 父母查證後嚇到






「一名5歲男童相信自己在前世是30歲的黑膚色女子,男童聲稱他記得死於一場火災……」,住在俄亥俄州的路克.盧曼(Luke Ruehlman)現年5歲,和一般男童沒兩樣,但他卻自稱擁有前世記憶,引起美國媒體注意。

根據路克母親Mum claims her five-year- old son remembers his past life as a Chicago woman who died in a house fire轉述,路克從小就表示自己曾經是一名叫「潘」的女子,膚色是黑色,曾經住在芝加哥,最後死於一場火災。「我(路克)上天堂後,我看到神,祂把我推回人間,當我醒來時就已經變成嬰兒,妳(媽媽)把我命名為路克。」

路克的雙親半信半疑,但查資料後驚訝地發現,芝加哥1993年3月真的發生過一場飯店火災,其中一名女性死者潘蜜拉.羅賓森(Pamela Robinson)當時跳樓致死;路克還在一群人的照片中正確指認出潘蜜拉,另外,他與「潘」都喜歡知名盲歌手史提夫.汪達(Stevie Wonder),也都喜歡電子琴。


Luke Ruehlman: Boy, 5, 'thinks he was woman who died in house fire in previous life'

Luke Ruehlman's mum Erika claims he is convinced he was reincarnated and was once a woman called Pam, who leaped from a burning house in 1993

Recollection: Luke (top left) recalls being a mum who leaped from a burning building

Mystery surrounds a five-year-old boy whose mum claims he is convinced he was a 30-year-old woman who died in a house fire in a previous life.

Erika Ruehlman says son Luke thought he was once a real woman called Pam, a 30-year-old who leaped from a burning house in 1993.

She says he recollects being reincarnated and reportedly recalls being named by his parents.

Fox8 Mum claims her five-year- old son remembers his past life as a Chicago woman who died in a house fire
Mum: Erika Ruehlman claims her five-year- old son remembers his past life as a Chicago woman who died in a house fire

Erika told Fox8 radio station that he made references to the woman from the age of two.

She said he would comment continually on his female alter-ego, Daily Mail Australia reports.

Erika said the boy, whose recollections have since stopped, would say: "When I was a girl, I had black hair"’ or "I used to have earrings like that when I was a girl."'

Fox8 Mum claims her five-year- old son remembers his past life as a Chicago woman who died in a house fire
Son: Luke reportedly remembers his process of reincarnation

She said that when Luke was questioned about Pam he said he remembered a process of reincarnation in which he was reporedly 'pushed back down' to earth as a newborn baby.

Erika said the boy claimed he used to be Pam "but I died. I went up to heaven, and I saw God, and he pushed me back down and when I woke up, I was a baby and you named me Luke."

She said she researched he boy's story and believes his references were being made to a REAL woman who died in a house fire in 1993.

Erika found an old news story about a woman called Pamela Robinson who died when the Paxton Hotel in Chicago caught light in 1993.

Fox8 Mum claims her five-year- old son remembers his past life as a Chicago woman who died in a house fire
Tragedy: Pamela Robinson died in a house fire in Chicago in 1993

Luke Ruehlman: Boy, 5, 'thinks he was woman who died in house fire in previous life'

Luke Ruehlman's mum Erika claims he is convinced he was reincarnated and was once a woman called Pam, who leaped from a burning house in 1993

Recollection: Luke (top left) recalls being a mum who leaped from a burning building

Mystery surrounds a five-year-old boy whose mum claims he is convinced he was a 30-year-old woman who died in a house fire in a previous life.

Erika Ruehlman says son Luke thought he was once a real woman called Pam, a 30-year-old who leaped from a burning house in 1993.

She says he recollects being reincarnated and reportedly recalls being named by his parents.

Fox8 Mum claims her five-year- old son remembers his past life as a Chicago woman who died in a house fire
Mum: Erika Ruehlman claims her five-year- old son remembers his past life as a Chicago woman who died in a house fire

Erika told Fox8 radio station that he made references to the woman from the age of two.

She said he would comment continually on his female alter-ego, Daily Mail Australia reports.

Erika said the boy, whose recollections have since stopped, would say: "When I was a girl, I had black hair"’ or "I used to have earrings like that when I was a girl."'

Fox8 Mum claims her five-year- old son remembers his past life as a Chicago woman who died in a house fire
Son: Luke reportedly remembers his process of reincarnation

She said that when Luke was questioned about Pam he said he remembered a process of reincarnation in which he was reporedly 'pushed back down' to earth as a newborn baby.

Erika said the boy claimed he used to be Pam "but I died. I went up to heaven, and I saw God, and he pushed me back down and when I woke up, I was a baby and you named me Luke."

She said she researched he boy's story and believes his references were being made to a REAL woman who died in a house fire in 1993.

Erika found an old news story about a woman called Pamela Robinson who died when the Paxton Hotel in Chicago caught light in 1993.

Fox8 Mum claims her five-year- old son remembers his past life as a Chicago woman who died in a house fire
Tragedy: Pamela Robinson died in a house fire in Chicago in 1993
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