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Just nearly of my Life -Sep.10.! :))
創作文學賞析 2013/09/12 00:24:08

i already not talking.. talking too much by the long time.........

by the Long time ....

reality So long time....

wht did i goota says  ?

just wanttya Finish thee Unservity soon..

dont need to waste muy time Again....*\\

i should done the awy for own !



these of the marcio bag i desgin' yet !

just wqant to done the own of Naka0.8'' Logo like this!


HUM ...hope one dayes that i can sale the Naka0.8!



This i Done the Lovely cookies DIY...

目前大4 希望趕快畢業....也許會接著讀研究所#!! 大家也依起加油吧 !


Den with young baby ! :))

AND ....提早

祝   大家中秋節快樂 yo!














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Just nearly of my Life -Sep.10.! :))
2013/09/12 00:24:08 |瀏覽 1032 回應 0 推薦 11 引用 0
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Take a Very Long_time ( Malaysia And Phuket trip !! Nice Restaurant:Pattaya
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Just nearly of my Life -Sep.10.! :))
2013/09/12 00:24:08 |瀏覽 1032 回應 0 推薦 11 引用 0
yy..Ямар нэгэн үг хайгдаагүй байна ' whatya shoul d ?
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