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2007/08/10 16:44:02瀏覽336|回應0|推薦4

I will not destroy all the past

Those course represents mood at every stages

Some is unbearable that perhaps then recall having

But has deleted

Just hid these in the past
And does not represent real the past

I have left those to go over

It hopes to be under the sunshine oneself red naked lot only

Even if seemed to be in the past and floated excessivly

Only there is a person to but keep the last one here to at last

And that person will be beautiful

Mood instantly

Feeling instantly

It is in fact the most estimable

Have gone over 

Will only slip by with the wind

Perhaps that has represented a yellowing photo

I am still
That one will only shake handsinging is true

Unless that is true but be far away from

by 資料準備+授課老師>>曼哈頓公爵

( 心情隨筆雜記 )
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