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2020/01/01 18:52:28瀏覽1947|回應0|推薦3 | |
即將在亞洲地區發生的月食(一丁: 原文是Eclipse,未指日食或月蝕, 最近會發生的是2020年一月十日的巨蟹座月蝕)將導致集體合作的大潮,這將導致新興力量反對腐敗當權者的鎮壓命令。 隨著地球表面密集能量的上升,洗濯許多內在的情緒動盪,這可能導致在接下來的幾個月中對既定秩序進一步的抗議和報復。立法將被反對,不平等將遭到反對。隨著您步入下一個十年,以消除腐敗治理和人為操控的反抗報復將產生深遠的影響。
看不見的力量正在向地球提供了巨大的支持,涉及對思想矩陣的深層清洗,以及時間線崩塌的工作正在進行中,且強度也在不斷提高。 在下一個十年(2020年)開始時,集體揭露,創新和重建秩序的行為將變得更加明顯。當人們進入下一個十年時,對「生活是什麼」將有翻新的認識,生活不再是通過控制,等級制度,偏見,不公平和傲慢的施予,下個十年的生活將標誌著以上的終結。
看不見的力量正在管理這些行為,它將通過您的貨幣,治理,領袖,教育,技術,軍事力量和社區,徹底改變人們生活各個層面的基礎(一丁: 這便是2012年時,新思潮曾一再強調的『範示轉變_paradigm shift』,『範示轉變』肯定會發生在『兩極分化』後的新地球上)。
致力於環保衛生和清潔的工作將成為更認真的話題,並且實施工作將繼續。這在歐洲和亞洲大陸上似乎更加明顯,並且在下一個十年的初期將進一步向西方推進。 把環保質量列入經濟利益議程的政權將很快消失,他們企圖攪動的勢頭效果不彰(一丁: 即便努力推出環保憤童為『時代雜志風雲人物』,可企業與成人政治操作的手法粗重,反迎來一片輿論反諷)。人們希望在清潔海洋,空氣和土地方面採取實效可見的大型行動,而這將通過年輕一代的創意來實現,並將傳播到許多具有道德理念的組織中,最終導致重大的世界清理活動,2030年將達到可見的全球環保質變水平。
在地球之外,目前正在對土星進行消毒處理,以控制即將死去的(威權)帝國,而同盟軍(地內地外正義聯盟)正在採用這種清理方法。先前(舊地球)居民的許多議程都保留了這種虛幻的操控網格,無論被自己的帝國內部還是通過星際邦聯,這種控制網絡都被推翻了。 .
邁入2020年,您將繼續看到周圍發生的大量拆解和重新整合。這是過渡運動的一部分,無論嘗試多少精力來確保這樣一個古老的統治繼續,(邁入2020年)將標誌著建立在控制基礎上的主題結束。 .
2019年12月《地球情報報告》至此結束。 The Earth Intelligence Report for December of 2019.
The upcoming eclipse taking place around the area of Asia will lead to a great resurgence of cooperation as it will lead to new oppositions to suppressing corrupted orders. This may lead to further protest and retaliation against established orders in the months to come as the dense energies of the Earth rise upon the surface clearing a great deal of inner emotional calamity. Legislation will be opposed. Inequality will be opposed. The retaliation to wipe away the stain of corrupt governance and human control will take affect as you move further into the next decade. There is a great deal of support coming upon the Earth from unseen forces. Workings involving a deep cleansing of the thought matrix and collapsing timelines is ongoing and rising in its intensity. The acts upon the collective to expose, rebuild and re-establish your way of order will become more apparent as you begin upon your next decade. Those that are reaching a new understanding on what life can be rather than what has been given to them by control, hierarchy, prejudice, unfairness and arrogance will mark its end as you move into the next decade. It will be a time of great cooperation behind silent partners that do not make themselves known. Behind closed doors are discussions to fully reintegrate human society on specific levels where the leader elects work to overthrow those that were once their rulers. The unseen forces are administrating these acts and it will lead into a complete restructuring of foundation on the many levels of life through your currency, governance, leaderships, education, technology, military forces and community. The efforts towards environmental sanitation and cleanup will become a more seriously discussed topic and implementation efforts will carry forward. This will seem more apparent upon the continents of Europe and Asia and will lean further towards the west in the early years of the next decade. Regimes that speak of environmental care and quality yet hold an agenda to financial gain will become quickly extinguished and will gain little momentum as the collective prefers a larger group action in cleaning up the oceans, the air and the land. This will come through the innovation of the youth and will spread to many organizations ethical in their thoughts and will lead into a major world clean up that will reach a global level before the year of 2030 as it is felt now. Beyond the Earth, the planet Saturn is currently being sanitized regarding control from a dying empire and this sanitation is being applied by the confederate forces. Much of the agenda of the previous inhabitants that kept this illusionary grid of control inline are being overthrown, both within their own empire and through the Confederation of Planets. Within the short times to come, it may not be surprising to see the rings of Saturn fade away as the control agenda of illusion was specifically stationed upon Saturn’s rings, but is now encountering severe dismantling as the old powers are collapsing and shall also be evicted from the star system. The rings of Saturn represent altering cosmic vibration technologically specifically within this star system. A song of chaos that disrupted the natural harmony of this star system. This instrumentation is now being dissolved and a song of harmony will take place through the star system synchronizing to powerful events of upliftment on your planet. As you move into the 2020 year, you will continue to see a great deal of dismantling and reintegration occurring around you. This is part of the transitional movement that will signify the conclusion of themes built on control, no matter how much attention is attempted to ensure that such an old dominion still exists. Remember that those within your mainstream hold agendas and will apply the greatest manipulation to ensure as if nothing is happening behind closed doors, yet this is far from the truth. The former controllers of this world are holding onto the pillars of an old empire that are crumbling down at accelerated levels. See past the fog of what is presented to you so eagerly, and look beyond to see what is coming upon the Earth in soft, subtle doses that will lead to new infrastructure and great change that will effect every branch of this vast tree called the Planet Earth.
This concludes the Earth Intelligence Report. |
( 時事評論|國際 ) |