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2019/05/21 05:51:31瀏覽2407|回應0|推薦8 | |
你的經驗是由「你觀看什麼」創造出來的(Your experience is created by what you look at)。更準確的說,是由你在空間/時間中移動的方式所創造(the way you move in Space/Time)。
尼爾: 好,我想像出來了。
尼爾: 嗯,我想像出來了。
如果你之後向別人描述這些,你可能會聽見自己說:「 最後,我終於找到了!這就是我要找的!」
當然,並沒有什麼「 最後」,你本來也可以說:「 首先,我找到它了!」
一個事件不是等你看見它時,它才「突然出現」。你的看見只是使它對「你」來說突然「出現」。對基礎量子物理學稍有研究的人會說任何事物都不存在,除非你看見了它。你的「看見」將它放在了那裡 (Your seeing it there puts it there.)。然而更先進的科學知道,這並不是事物存在的終極描述。
終極的實相是,事件在你看見它們之前就已在那裡了。也就是說,多重可能性始終都存在(That is, multiple possibilities exits at all times.)。每一種可能情形的每一種可能結果,此時此地都存在著——並且正在此時此地發生。你看見了其中的一種,事實上,你並沒有把它放在了「那裡」,而是把它放在了「這裡」——你的腦子裡。
1 ding: 所以, 一如既往“自我-主體-觀者”是關鍵所在,
【經驗「時間和空間」與「終極實相」的例子】Your experience is created by what you look at. Or, more correctly, by which way you move in Space/Time.
Neale: I beg you pardon?
Let me give you a simple illustration, to see if I can bring you closer to comprehension.
Neale: My god, please. Im trying my hardest to track you here, but I need something to hang my hat on.
Okay. Let us say that you have walked into a room. It is a huge room, and an ornate one. Perhaps it is a library in a richly appointed home.
Neale: Fine. I can picture that.
You walk into the room, and notice some things "first." Maybe there is a pair of larger- than-life statues of nude human figures in the corner. Naturally, they catch your eye. You move toward them to check them out. Or perhaps there is something else equally dramatic hanging about. A huge stuffed bear. Or a wide-screen TV blaring on the side wall. Your attention goes there at once. Your mind goes there immediately.
Neale: Okay. I can imagine that.
Now you begin to look around, and you start to see other things, smaller things, less dramatic things. Finally, you move toward a bookcase in the middle of the room. Your eyes light upon a particular title on the binding of a book in the center of the middle shelf directly in front of you. This is what you came into this room for. The statues caught your eye, and you moved toward them, but this is what you came here for.
Describing this scene to someone else later, you might hear yourself saying, "At last, there it was! Just what I was looking for!"
Of course, there is not "at last about it. You could just as easily have said, "At first, there it was!"
The coveted book was there all along, waiting for you to see it. It did not show up "later."
Indeed, it did not "show up" at all. It did not arrive at a certain "time." it was there all along. Yet you did not see it, because you were not looking at it. You did not move toward it.
Yet everything in that room was there. It all existed simultaneously. You saw what was there, "discovered" it, and therefore experienced it, sequentially. Thus, the moment was truly "sequentaneous.
Neale: I get this. I understand how it could have seemed that way.
A thing does not "suddenly appear" when you see it. Your seeing it makes it suddenly "appear" to YOU. Those who dabble in elementary quantum physics would say that nothing is there until you see it. Your seeing it there puts it there. Yet more advanced science now knows that even this is not the ultimate statement of how things are.
In Ultimate Reality, things ARE there before you see them. That is, multiple possibilities exist at all times. Every conceivable outcome of every conceivable situation exists right here, right now--and is occurring right here, right now. The fact that you see only one of them does not, in the literal sense, "put it there"--it puts it "here," in your mind.
Neale: But which reality out of the realities that exist is that one that I put in my mind?
The one that you choose to see.
( 知識學習|科學百科 ) |