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引用文章 藍委:經濟學人偏頗
2012/11/18 17:52:59瀏覽121|回應0|推薦0


2012.11.18 05:40 pm

英國「經濟學人」雜誌批評馬英九總統是笨蛋,國民黨立委蔡錦隆今天表示,經濟學人的觀點、措辭頗為偏頗。在報導其他國家事務時,居然會稱其元首為「笨蛋」,既失禮又失格。他發出新聞稿指出,他昨天已向外交部提出嚴正抗議,認為外交部反應無力,軟弱放任,有損國格,有失職守。 蔡錦隆表示,英國人常存有莫名其妙的優越與傲慢,現今國際經濟不景氣,每個國家都遭遇許多困難與挑戰,但「經濟學人」卻據此斷然稱我國家總統為笨蛋,是「欺人太甚」。

蔡錦隆指出,從倫敦奧運的國旗事件,就可看出自許為紳士國家的英國,其實是胸襟可議的,如今其媒體更欺負到我們國家元首頭上,用不禮貌、不得體的措辭修理馬總統,我們的外交部竟然毫無作為,是嚴重失職。 蔡錦隆說,馬總統畢竟是中華民國過半數選民選出來的總統,經濟學人罵馬總統是笨蛋,失禮失格之處,總統府的回應太過溫和,而外交部的表現令人失望。他要求外交部,對經濟學人的「笨蛋」論點一定要向國際媒體發聲,向「經濟學人」抗議,為中華民國討回公道。

【2012/11/18 聯合報】@ http://udn.com/

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But France's prime minister, Jean-Marc Ayrault, denounced The Economist's cover.

He told a French TV station: 'You are talking about a publication which is resorting to excess to sell copies. I can tell you that France is not at all impressed.'

French industry minister Arnaud Montebourg yesterday went on to a French radio show to tell of his fury at the article. 'Frankly, The Economist has never been  known for its sense of moderation,' he said.


 Mr Montebourg said the claims were 'worthy of Charlie Hebdo', a notoriously provocative Paris satirical magazine whose offices were firebombed last year after it published insulting cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad which infuriated Muslims.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2233943/The-Economist-riles-French-officials-describing-France-time-bomb-Europe.html#ixzz2CZCZ64SR


But France's prime minister, Jean-Marc Ayrault, denounced The Economist's cover.

He told a French TV station: 'You are talking about a publication which is resorting to excess to sell copies. I can tell you that France is not at all impressed.'

French industry minister Arnaud Montebourg yesterday went on to a French radio show to tell of his fury at the article. 'Frankly, The Economist has never been  known for its sense of moderation,' he said.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2233943/The-Economist-riles-French-officials-describing-France-time-bomb-Europe.html#ixzz2CZCZ64SR
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