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2008/12/20 11:27:31瀏覽88|回應0|推薦0 | |
Colleges are looking for diversity, but it is also true that Cyndie may be putting herself in a more competitive pool by listing her Asian ancestry at schools like Brown where there is a huge Asian pool.
Lisa Robertson (a math teacher at HS) told me today that she did not list her Asian ancestry when applying to Cornell for that reason. I know that a Brown alumni told me that he when he worked on admissions, the Asian part of the applicant pool was much more competitive than the Anglo part.
I regret that I first heard this this week.
申請大學這檔事 越來越讓人心灰意冷 繼拒絕信事件後 再收到導師的這封信 真難過得想撞牆
聽女兒說暑期裡 一個一起到雲林教英語 分在不同學校的美東男孩 上週傳來捷報 已幸運被MIT(麻省理工)錄取 正替他的好運高興之際 也不禁想到不知多少跟他一樣 成績頂尖的優秀亞裔生 卻被摒在門外無端犧牲掉 多少父母親跟我一樣捶胸頓足啊
這兩天女兒情緒已趨穩定 接下來的耶誕假期 得為元月一日另一個重要申請截止日 不傾全力應付不成 此刻正醞釀該不該鼓勵女兒 效法信中的數學老師 隱瞞半個亞裔身分呢 |
( 心情隨筆|心情日記 ) |