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2023/10/13 02:14:59瀏覽77|回應0|推薦0

(2023.10.11 禱告領受主的話)

你們今天紛爭 難道不是為了私利 權力 

這樣的不和睦 導致分裂 

教會是我身體 你們同為肢體 豈能使肢體分開 

你們卻不明白真理 自己以自己為王 

撒旦把人心攪動了 這一切都是撒旦挑起 

可曾想過 你們曾經是我用重價買來的 靠著我洗淨罪 同屬我的

有兄弟爭吵 哪個父親不希望兒子和好

你們按己意而行 可曾想過為父的心

你們不尋求真理 不明白真理 

你們沒有用愛心憐憫 擔待彼此軟弱 你們只想自己為大

這破口因人的私欲 越來越大 



不要覺得所行出是公義的 評判在於我


去思想 你有學習我的樣式? 還是仍做你自己

那自以為帶領者的 你是帶領我的羊跟著人


還是帶領群羊 走在真理的道路上

你們傳福音 是傳今生肉體的好處 還是將來得救的福音

末世 那日子已近

只傳屬天得救的恩典 其他的只求我的憐憫

不要使人看重今生的事 世界一切都會過去


凡忍耐等候的 必得賞賜


請更改參數 10Km 搜尋附近教會



假若你覺得這些話,從神來的話感動你 ,麻煩發揮你的愛將這些話傳出去分享出去,使更多人了解神愛我們






重複唸,“哈利路亞, 讚美主耶穌




Pray for the unity of the church and resist Satan’s divisions

(2023.10.11 Pray and receive the Lord’s words)

Are you arguing today not for personal gain and power?

Such discord leads to division

The church is my body. You are members together. How can you separate the members?

But you don’t understand the truth and you think you are king

Satan has stirred up peoples hearts. Satan started all this.

Have you ever thought that you were bought by me at a high price? You can be washed away by me and you belong to me.

When brothers quarrel, what father doesn’t want his son to reconcile?

You do according to your own will. Have you ever thought about the heart of a father?

You do not seek the truth and do not understand the truth

You do not use love and compassion to bear with each others weaknesses. You only want to make yourselves great.

This gap is getting bigger and bigger due to peoples selfish desires

Even attack each other

Who do you think this responsibility belongs to?

Dont think that what you do is righteous. The judgment is mine.

Don’t you know the importance of unity?

Think about it, have you learned my style? Or are you still yourself?

He who thinks he is a leader, you lead my sheep and follow people


Or lead the flock to walk on the path of truth?

When you preach the gospel, are you preaching the benefits of the flesh in this life or the gospel of future salvation?

The end of the world is near

Only preach the grace of heaven’s salvation, and for the rest, just ask for my mercy

Dont make people focus on the things of this life. Everything in this world will pass away.


Whoever waits patiently will be rewarded

( 時事評論兩岸 )
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