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2023/10/12 19:46:26瀏覽72|回應0|推薦0

(2023.10.11 禱告領受主的話)  為以巴戰爭求問神而禱告


你們還在狂歡 宴樂  還在為自己肚腹 自己的私慾 忙碌積財寶在地上

你們看現今的世界 要毀滅一座城 是很快的 

罪惡之城 我必滅盡  

不要以為這些事情與你無關 你們總要思想我的作為

若不是我允許 這豈能發生 

罪惡的世代 必有怒火降下

你們當趁著還有機會  回轉向我 

我的憐憫 慈愛 只向那行公義之人發出 

因你為我捨去自己 捨掉自己的私慾 

因你只在乎我  在乎我的國 在乎這個國是否與你有份

你的言語行為我都在鑒察 沒有一件可以躲藏

今天你領受到白白的恩典  你當思想能為我做甚麼


若你自己認為是基督徒的 當省察自己是否配得進天國

若你還不是基督徒 你要切慕尋求我 這恩典要給到凡有耳 可聽得見的人 

不要跟世界上的人一樣  還追求享樂 目光定在世界  

那是魔鬼撒下的網羅 為了要吞吃更多的人  將來與牠一起

這世界不會更好 總有天會被滅盡


有形的物質將會被滅盡 一切不屬我的國的都將滅盡

你還為自己留下甚麼?  還為你的子孫留下甚麼? 

那些沒有指望的 還在罪中之樂的 就任憑他們

我要光照我所親愛的 我要保護我所親愛的 在我蔭庇之下 

末世的災禍無人倖免 有看不到的魔鬼的攻擊 也有看的到的災禍

這些事情來到 不為別的 只為把屬我的分別出來

你們要留心這世代所發生的事 不要輕忽這些警告   



凡有耳的都要聽  (是指”心”眼, 心裏安靜, 才能領受神的恩典, 不是看世界的眼目)

啟示錄 13:9-10 和合本



以西結書 18:30 – “所以,以色列家啊,我必按你們各人所行的審判你們。這是主耶和華說的。回頭,離開你們的一切過犯,這樣,罪孽必不使你們敗亡。”

詩篇 103:8 – “耶和華有憐憫,有恩典,不輕易發怒,大有慈愛。”

彌迦書 6:8 – “世人哪,耶和華已指示你何為善。他向你所要的是什麼呢?只要你行公義,好憐憫,存謙卑的心與你的神同行。”

馬太福音 24:21-22 – “因為那時必有大災難,自從世界的起頭直到如今,沒有這樣的災難,後來也必沒有。若不減少那日子,凡有血氣的,總沒有一個得救的;只是為選民,那日子必減少了。”

啟示錄 21:1 – “我又看見一個新天新地,因為先前的天地已經過去了,海也不再有了。”

馬太福音 24:42 – “所以,你們要儆醒,因為不知道你們的主是哪一天來到。”

啟示錄 13:9-10 – “凡有耳的,就應當聽!擄掠人的,必被擄掠;用刀殺人的,必被刀殺。聖徒的忍耐和信心就是在此。”


請更改參數 10Km 搜尋附近教會



假若你覺得這些話,從神來的話感動你 ,麻煩發揮你的愛將這些話傳出去分享出去,使更多人了解神愛我們






重複唸,“哈利路亞, 讚美主耶穌




While we still have the opportunity, God’s grace and judgment

(2023.10.11 Pray to receive the Lord’s words) Pray to ask God about the Israel-Palestine war

Such is the situation in the last days

You are still reveling and feasting, and you are still busy hoarding treasures on earth for your own belly and your own selfish desires.

If you look at the world today, it will be very quick to destroy a city.

I will destroy the city of sin

Don’t think that these things have nothing to do with you. You should always think about my deeds.

How could this have happened if I hadn’t allowed it?

There will be wrath descending on this sinful generation

You should turn to me while you still have the chance.

My mercy and love are only for those who do righteousness

Because you gave up yourself and your selfish desires for me

Because you only care about me, care about my country, and care about whether this country is a part of you

I’m monitoring all your words and actions. There’s nothing you can hide.

Today you have received free grace. Think about what you can do for me.

Each of you should do your part

If you consider yourself a Christian, you should examine yourself to see if you are worthy of entering the kingdom of heaven.

If you are not a Christian yet, seek me earnestly. This grace will be given to everyone who has ears to hear.

Don’t be like the people in the world and still pursue pleasure. Set your sights on the world.

That is a snare set by the devil in order to devour more people and will be with him in the future.

This world will not be better, it will be destroyed one day

A new heaven and a new earth will come

Physical matter will be destroyed, and everything that is not part of my kingdom will be destroyed.

What else do you leave for yourself? What else do you leave for your descendants?

Those who have no hope and are still enjoying sin, let them alone

I want to shine on my dear ones I want to protect my dear ones under my shelter

No one is spared from the disasters of the last days. There are invisible attacks from the devil, but there are also visible disasters.

These things come for no other reason than to separate what is mine

You must pay attention to what is happening in this generation. Do not ignore these warnings.

Be alert and ready


Everyone who has ears must listen (referring to the “heart” eyes. Only when the heart is quiet can one receive God’s grace, not the eyes that see the world)

‭‭Revelation‬ ‭13‬:‭9‬-‭10‬ ‭NIV‬‬

「Whoever has ears, let them hear. “If anyone is to go into captivity, into captivity they will go. If anyone is to be killed with the sword, with the sword they will be killed.” This calls for patient endurance and faithfulness on the part of God’s people.」

Bible Study

1. (Ezekiel 18:30 ESV) – “Therefore I will judge you, O house of Israel, everyone according to his ways, declares the Lord GOD. Repent and turn from all your transgressions, lest iniquity be your ruin.”

2.(Psalm 103:8 ESV) – “The LORD is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love.”

3.  (Micah 6:8 ESV) – “He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?”

4.  (Matthew 24:21-22 ESV) – “For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been from the beginning of the world until now, no, and never will be. And if those days had not been cut short, no human being would be saved. But for the sake of the elect those days will be cut short.”

5.(Revelation 21:1 ESV) – “Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no more.”

6. (Matthew 24:42 ESV) – “Therefore, stay awake, for you do not know on what day your Lord is coming.”

7. (Revelation 13:9-10 ESV) – “If anyone has an ear, let him hear: If anyone is to be taken captive, to captivity he goes; if anyone is to be slain with the sword, with the sword must he be slain. Here is a call for the endurance and faith of the saints.”

( 時事評論國際 )
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