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撤彈和軍售有關連性? --- 有趣的台灣關係法!
2011/04/11 16:25:04瀏覽233|回應0|推薦2


軍售台灣是美國總統的決定, 而此決定是美國總統依據台灣關係法規定去做的, 是美國6點國策之第5點提出的, 6大國策反映台灣除中華民國憲法外, 最影響台灣的非美國的台灣關係法莫屬了。


6項國策實際上是6個動詞組成, to preserve and promote, to declare, to make clear, to consider, to provide and to maintain.


目前軍售arms sell 引起關注, 關係法上說, 提供防禦性武器給臺灣人民;但有趣的是, 其中, provide with – 我上網查好幾遍, 最合理的中譯意思是: 提供(需要的)。 這個英語熟語  不一定要收費, free of charge 的意味, 所謂提供, 有租的,有借的,有賣的,有送的,有轉移的,有共享的,有免費的..etc, 不一而足, 萬一生死攸關時, 也就是說, 必要時, (免費)提供防禦性武器給臺灣人民, 因為如果一定要金錢的, 必然用 to sell , 應明確改為to sell arms of a defensive character to Taiwan, 銷售防禦性武器給臺灣人民, 但上面6個動都沒有用to sell, 真有趣!


所以, 反對軍售台灣是有困難的, 因為提供武器是國策, 又有很多方式做, 有明做有暗做, 除非美國放棄西太平洋的利益, 或美國國力已衰弱到亡國的地步, 總之, 任何非和平形式的威脅包括經濟杯葛,封鎖, 都是美國所嚴重關切的;飛彈只是非和平形式的威脅的工具, 如果可以交換軍售, 好像有點超過。


    • It is the policy of the United States -

      • (1) to preserve and promote extensive, close, and friendly commercial, cultural, and other relations between the people of the United States and the people on Taiwan, as well as the people on the China mainland and all other peoples of the Western Pacific area;

      • (2) to declare that peace and stability in the area are in the political, security, and economic interests of the United States, and are matters of international concern;

      • (3) to make clear that the United States decision to establish diplomatic relations with the People's Republic of China rests upon the expectation that the future of Taiwan will be determined by peaceful means;

      • (4) to consider any effort to determine the future of Taiwan by other than peaceful means, including by boycotts or embargoes, a threat to the peace and security of the Western Pacific area and of grave concern to the United States;

      • (5) to provide Taiwan with arms of a defensive character; and

      • (6) to maintain the capacity of the United States to resist any resort to force or other forms of coercion that would jeopardize the security, or the social or economic system, of the people on Taiwan.

( 時事評論兩岸 )
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