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2012/05/04 14:48:57瀏覽1156|回應0|推薦7

雲友為鄰志潔白    青竹月娘親手栽


荷喧甫覺雨客到    松吟笑挽風君來


舉盅共飲孔北海    論文東坡有詩才


屋藏其書千萬卷    棋奕謫山聊遣懷


                                  伯源   詩


I see the white clouds as my friends owing to its spotless nature. The moon lady helps me grow a garden of bamboo. The sound of the lotus indicates the visit of my friends. I see pine tree swinging along with the wind blowing. I raise the wind glass and salute with Kong Rong. I am glad Su Dongpo could discuss with me the thousands of book in my house. Whenever bored, I would invite Li Bai to play chess with me. What a leisure life!

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