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2010/11/18 05:42:50瀏覽487|回應0|推薦2

引用文章楊淑君電子襪 世跆盟審驗合格 



首先據賣器材的說法“據他所知,楊淑君第一回合比賽時曾穿新款,但因尺寸太大,被裁判要求更換,才換穿舊款電子襪比賽”。假如此話屬實那我們就不得不問為什麼會“尺寸太大”? 一個代表國家的比賽怎麼會弄出事關選手賽績的器材都不合身問題? 如果說人的腳因不同時間血液的循環有可能會稍有大小的差異也不至差的“太大”。退一步說如果楊淑君的腳有可能會有“大幅”差異那也應該是備有不同尺寸的新款襪子才對﹐怎麼會用舊襪? 據賣器材的看法因為“大會並未規定不可使用舊款”所以就可用這點就更不可思議。因為一般規則要求器材如何如何而不會是說那年的產品可用﹐那年的不可用。去年可用的更不等於今年可用。搞清楚規定是選手與教練的責任。

既然大狗對此事產生疑問於是就看了看在台灣之外的媒體是怎麼說的。首先大陸的媒體說法就與台灣的不盡相同。當然在民粹陰謀論之下這整件事就是大陸搞鬼﹐大陸的媒體當然不會公正。可是以大狗看的幾篇大陸的報導其實還好﹐多半也只是報導有此事發生﹐台灣教練及選手的反應及亞跆聯的立場。並沒有台灣媒體情緒化報導。好吧﹐就算大陸媒體不見得公正那台灣義和團式媒體的可信度就高嗎? 於是乎大狗就去網上搜了一下看看別人是如何說的。



Taiwan officials protested against the decision, stressing the equipment had been previously approved.

"The footwear passed the original pre-match checks but during the match, when she was leading 9-0, the officials decided the footwear was unacceptable," said Taiwan team official Tang Hui-ting.

"This kind of footwear is made by a major company and we have used it before in competition," she added.

But the World Taekwondo Federation defended its decision, saying the extra sensors had been removed from Yang's socks before the bout, only for them to be fixed back on again.

Competitors must wear protective gear and gain points by attacking the body and face or knocking one another down, with the sensors helping ascertain the successful scoring of points.

"We took those sensors away from her at the competition but she added additional sensors," Yang Jin Suk, secretary general of the federation, told Reuters by telephone.


Match officials said her footguards carried unauthorised extra electronic sensors behind the heel.

Ms Yang and her coach protested her innocence and both refused to leave the competition area.

Taiwan officials said the equipment had been previously approved.

"The footwear passed the original pre-match checks but during the match, when she was leading 9-0, the officials decided the footwear was unacceptable," said Taiwan team official Tang Hui-ting.

"This kind of footwear is made by a major company and we have used it before in competition," she said.

The World Taekwondo Federation defended its decision, saying the extra sensors had been removed from Ms Yang's socks before the match, but had been fixed back on.


Yang's coach denied his fighter had breached the rules and said the sensors had been green-lighted by tournament officials.

A senior official from the World Taekwondo Federation (WTF) disputed that, and said Yang had put the sensors in her footwear even after officials had earlier confiscated another set from her.

"The sensors give the fighter an unfair advantage by making the blows seem bigger than they are," said WTF secretary general Yang Jin Suk, adding that the decision was fair and more sanctions could be expected.


More bad blood spilled over at a news conference when Taiwan journalists lambasted the federation's Yang and claimed the decision was politically motivated, pointing out Zhao Lei, the technical director who stopped the fight, is mainland Chinese.

Secretary general Yang, however, strongly denied any bias saying: "How could political motivation fit into this situation when it is about illegal equipment?"

我們對台灣媒體的質疑是為什麼除了情緒化的煽動外﹐亞跆聯的立場即解說怎麼都不見了? 這叫做公正的新聞報導? 不論記者本身的立場如何﹐報導新聞就應將各方的立場都報導出來讓讀者觀眾自行判斷是非。可嘆的是近來來台灣多半所謂的新聞報導其實和社論差不多。都加上了記者的評論。至於碰到這種“有傷國格”的事件更是義和團精神發做。人家都是錯的﹐我們都是對的。要贏了我們是世界第一﹐否則就是大陸打壓。島國意識加義和團的媒體能有多公正?

( 時事評論媒體出版 )
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