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美國黑人性感美女〔佩柏絲〕──黑人榜冠軍──節奏藍調舞曲佳作──〔Mercedes Boy/麥西迪男孩〕
2009/12/10 16:40:10瀏覽217|回應0|推薦2

美國黑人性感美女〔佩柏絲〕──黑人榜冠軍──節奏藍調舞曲佳作──〔Mercedes Boy/麥西迪男孩〕

Mercedes Boy>
Do you wanna ride?

Baby, let me tell you
Ive been watching you.
see you dancing in my dreams
feel you heartbeat inside of me.
So if you feel it coming on
catch me getting in the mood.
boy, Ill give you anything
cruisings all you have to do.

Do you wanna ride in my mercedes boy?
Tell me what youre gonna do with me.
Cause if you wanna ride in my mercedes boy.
there are so many things that Im gonna do to you.

Baby,let me tell you
Ive been wanting you.
always on the scene good looks and more posessing all of me.
So when it starts to coming on
catch me getting in the mood.

Oh Baby....

boy, Ill give you anything
cruisings all you have to do.

Do you wanna ride in my mercedes boy?
Tell me what youre gonna do with me.
Cause if you wanna ride in my mercedes boy.
there are so many things that Im gonna do to you.

Do you wanna ride in my mercedes boy?
Tell me what youre gonna do with me.
Cause if you wanna ride in my mercedes boy.
there are so many things that Im gonna do to you.

Do you wanna ride ?

Do you wanna ride in my mercedes boy?
Tell me what youre gonna do with me.
Cause if you wanna ride in my mercedes boy.
there are so many things that Im gonna do to you.

Do you wanna ride in my mercedes boy?
Tell me what youre gonna do with me.
Cause if you wanna ride in my mercedes boy.
there are so many things that Im gonna do to you.



1988年3月 繼在流行 黑人 舞曲三界大獲全勝的〔Girlfriend/女朋友〕後
24歲的黑人美女佩柏絲(Pebbles)推出同名專輯第二首單曲〔Mercedes Boy/麥西迪男孩

此曲依舊由她譜寫並參與共同製作 跟Girlfriend〕一樣都是有著強勁節拍與討好旋律的R&B舞曲
Mercedes Boy〕成績更好 拿下美國流行榜得到亞軍 成為佩柏絲成績最佳的單曲

黑人榜冠軍 舞曲銷售榜冠軍 以及舞廳播放亞軍

英國成績比〔Girlfriend(#8) 只拿到#42

MV中 Pebbles打扮得比較成熟美豔
男主角很帥 不曉得有沒有看錯 總覺得很像〔Girlfriend〕的主角
差別就在〔Mercedes Boy〕中是短髮 〔Girlfriend〕裡是長髮






Extended Version








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