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瑞典國寶〔羅克賽/Roxette〕──流行搖滾名作──熱情大膽的〔Sleeping In My Car/睡在我車裡〕
2010/04/07 00:14:25瀏覽216|回應0|推薦1

瑞典國寶〔羅克賽/Roxette──流行搖滾名作──熱情大膽的〔Sleeping In My Car/睡在我車裡〕

Sleeping In My Car
I'll tell you what I've done
I'll tell you what I'll do
Been driving all night
Just to get close to you
Baby babe, I'm moving so fast
You'd better come on
The moon is alright
The freeway's heading south
My heart is going boom
There's a strange taste in my mouth
Baby babe, I'm moving real fast
So try to hold on
Try to hold on

Sleeping in my car, I will undress you
Sleeping in my car, I will caress you
Staying in the backseat of my car making up

So come out tonight
I'll take you for a ride
This steamy ol' wagon
The radio is getting wild
Baby babe, we're moving so fast
I try to hang on
Try to hang on

Sleeping in my car, I will undress you
Sleeping in my car, I will caress you
Staying in the backseat of my car making love, oh yeah
Sleeping in my car, I will possess you
Sleeping in my car, certainly bless you
Laying in the backseat of my car making up

The night is so pretty and so young
The night is so pretty and so young
So very young

Sleeping in my car, I will undress you
Sleeping in my car, I will caress you
Staying in the backseat of my car making love, to you
Sleeping in my car, I will possess you
Sleeping in my car, certainly bless you
Laying in the backseat of my car making up

I will undress you

The night is so pretty and so young 

70年代是阿巴(ABBA 90代是王牌(Ace of Base
這對超級雙人組自1989年的〔The Look/眼神〕在國際成名後就暢銷曲不斷 

1994年春天 這個團體推出〔Crash ! Boom !Bang !/石破天驚〕專輯
首支單曲為3月發行的〔Sleeping In My Car/睡在我車裡〕
這是一首相當動聽的流行搖滾 雖然歌詞稍嫌大膽
旋律討巧 吉他演奏精彩 主唱Marie的詮釋也相當熱情

但由於被當成宣傳CD 因此沒算到Billboard專輯榜內

而16首曲目的完整版只賣了5萬張 成為羅克賽在新大陸事業下滑的開始
Sleeping In My Car〕在美國只拿到流行榜#50


挪威#3 奧地利#6 瑞士#7 德國#11 英國#14 愛爾蘭#16 澳洲#18
Sleeping In My Car〕是個人蠻喜歡的羅克賽歌曲




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