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美國黑人新秀〔泰文坎貝爾〕──節奏藍調榜冠軍──〔Tell Me What You Want Me To Do/告知我妳要我做什麼〕
2010/06/27 02:37:14瀏覽236|回應1|推薦0

美國黑人新秀〔泰文坎貝爾〕──節奏藍調榜冠軍──〔Tell Me What You Want Me To Do/告知我妳要我做什麼

I love you girl
You called me up and I came to see you
You say you've been awake all night
It hurts me deep inside when I see you cryin'
Whatever's wrong, I'll make it right

(bridge 1)
If you understand how I feel
You should know that my love is real

Tell me what you want me to do
My love is always here for you
Tell me what you want me to do
My love is always here for you
So tell me what you want me to do

Tell me girl
There were times when I didn't show it
Just how much I care for you
I'm so sorry
Now don't keep sayin' it's too late...to think it's over baby
After all that we've been through

(bridge 2)
Girl, I'm beggin' you
I'm down on my knees
Don't walk away baby please don't leave me now


(bridge 3)
Girl I know that we can work it out somehow
Isn't that what love is all about
I'm gonna be by your side
We're gonna see it through this time
I won't let you slip away
Say you'll stay with me
Stay with me girl
'cause you're the finest girl that I've ever seen

Tell me, tell me what you want me to do baby
My love is only here for you and only you
Tell me what you want me to do
My love is always here for you
So tell me what you want me to do
So tell me what you want me to do

1976年11月出生的泰文坎貝爾(Tevin Campbell)是90年代黑人界的少年新星

1989年被黑人大牌製作人昆西瓊斯(Quincy Jones)發掘

在他復出歌壇的大碟〔Back On The Block〕中獻唱一首〔TomorrowA Better You,A Better Me)/明天(更好的你 更佳的我)〕 


1990年秋天 泰文在在黑人鬼才巨星王子(Prince電的影原聲帶〔Graffti Bridge/塗鴉橋〕中演唱一首〔Round And Round

隔年拿到美國流行榜#12 節奏藍調榜亞軍 銷售金唱片


1991年秋天 14歲的泰文推出首張專輯〔T.E.V.I.N.

第三單曲是〔Tell Me What You Want Me To Do/告知我妳要我做什麼〕
這是金牌製作人Narada Michael Walden操刀的R&B抒情曲
跟〔Round And Round〕時清亮的嗓音不同
此時處於青春期的坎貝爾已在變聲 音色已略帶沙啞

1992年初擠下仙妮絲(Shanice)〔I Love Your Smile/我愛你的微笑〕登上R&B榜冠軍

銷售達到金唱片 澳洲亦是冠軍



( 休閒生活音樂 )
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Tevin Campbell
2019/11/13 16:34
Tevin Campbell(abc@xyz.com)
OrientExpress(OrientExpress) 於 2019-12-08 22:28 回覆: