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千里達/英國黑人紅星〔比利歐遜〕──R&B流行抒情經典──〔Therell Be Sad Songs(To Make You Cry)〕
2011/01/09 19:00:44瀏覽182|回應0|推薦1

千里達/英國黑人紅星〔比利歐遜〕──R&B流行抒情經典──〔Therell Be Sad Songs(To Make You Cry)

Sometimes I wonder by the look in your eyes
When Im standing beside you theres a fever burning deep inside.
Is there another in your memory?
Do you think of that someone when you hear that special melody?
I always stop and think of you
Especially when the words of love song touch the very heart of me.
Therell be sad songs to make you cry, love songs often do,
They can touch the heart of someone new saying I love you, I love you.
I often wonder how it could be you loving me, two hearts in perfect harmony.
Ill count the hours until that day, the rhapsody plays a melody for you and me.
Until the moment that you give your love to me,
Youre the one I care for, the one I will wait for.
Therell be sad songs to make you cry, love songs often do,
They can touch the heart of someone new saying I love you, ooh ooh ooh, oh.
Youre my desire, you take me higher.
My love is like a river running so deep.
Until the moment that you give your love to me,
Youre the one I care for, the one that I will wait for,
Therell be sad songs to make you cry, love songs often do,
They can touch the heart of someone new saying I love you. Ah. Ah.
Therell be sad songs to make you cry, love songs often do,
They can touch the heart of someone new saying I love you, I love you.
Do do do do do do do do do do do do do. Ooh.
Saying I love you. (Spoken) I love you

1950年出生於西印度群島(今天的千里達與多巴哥共和國 不過其父母是格瑞納達人)的比利歐遜(Billy Ocean是80年代相當著名的黑人歌手
70年代起開始歌唱事業 不過走的並不順遂
直到1984年才以熱情冠軍舞曲〔Carribean Queen/加勒比海女王〕成名
1986年 他推出〔Love Zone/愛情地帶〕大碟
首支單曲是〔There’ll Be Sad Songs(To Make You Cry)
此曲登上美國流行榜冠軍 黑人榜冠軍 成人抒情榜冠軍
銷售成為百萬金曲 英國#12






( 休閒生活音樂 )
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