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英國歌手〔約翰帕爾〕─愛情文藝片〔七個畢業生〕主題曲─〔St Elmo's Fire(Man In Motion) 〕
2011/03/06 01:04:10瀏覽309|回應0|推薦1

英國歌手〔約翰帕爾〕──愛情文藝片〔七個畢業生〕主題曲──〔St Elmos Fire(Man In Motion) /聖艾爾摩之火〕

Growin up
You dont see the writin on the wall
Passin by
Movin straight ahead you knew it all
But maybe sometime if you feel the pain
Youll find youre all alone
Everything has changed

Play the game
You know you cant quit until its won
Soldier on
Only you can do what must be done
You know in some way
Youre a lot like me
Youre just a prisoner
And youre tryin to break free


I can see a new horizon
Underneath the blazin sky
Ill be where the eagles
Flyin higher and higher
Gonna be your man in motion
All I need is a pair of wheels
Take me where my futures lyin
St. Elmos Fire


Burnin up
Dont know just how far that I can go
(Just how far I go)
Soon be home
Only just a few miles down the road
I can make it
I know I can
You broke the boy in me
But you wont break the man


I can climb the highest mountain
Cross the wildest sea
I can feel St. Elmos Fire burnin in me
Burnin in me

Just once in his life
A man has his time
And my time is now
And Im comin alive

I can hear the music playin
I can see the banners fly
Feel like youre back again
And hope ridin high
Gonna be your man in motion
All I need is a pair of wheels
Take me where my futures lyin
St. Elmos Fire


I can climb the highest mountain
Cross the wildest sea
I can feel St. Elmos Fire burnin in me

Burnin in me
I can feel it burnin
Oooh, burnin inside of me

Written by David Foster and John Parr

1985年夏天 一部以描述七個大學生畢業後在生活職場上際遇的愛情文藝電影〔St. Elmos Fire/七個畢業生〕在美國上映
本片由美國"新鼠幫"演員黛咪摩兒(Demi Moore) 羅伯洛(Rob Lowe) Emilio Estevez  Anthony Michael Hall 安德魯麥卡錫(Andrew MacCarthy
Judd Nelson
愛莉喜迪(Ally Sheedy) Mare Winningham主演

很諷刺的 當時現實生活上黛迷就有古柯鹼毒癮
由於常常遲到 差點被戲組開除
後來還為此戲簽下切結書 不准酗酒跟吸毒
另外 黛咪跟戲中的Emilio Estevez 曾訂婚三年 但後來解除婚約
黛咪後來與布魯斯威利(Bruce Willis)結婚

Emilio Estevez 則在1992年娶了當時歌壇舞后寶拉阿巴杜(Paula Abdul
我曾在電視看過<St. Almos Fire>的重播 還算精彩

原聲帶主題音樂由大牌製作人大衛佛斯特(David Foster)譜寫

主題曲〔St. Elmos Fire(Man In Motion)/聖艾爾摩之火〕則由他主唱──30歲的搖滾歌手約翰帕爾(John Parr)創作

是首節奏快速 旋律悅耳的抒情搖滾
此曲在美國流行榜得到雙週冠軍 主流搖滾榜#2 成人抒情榜#16

英國#6 加拿大冠軍

John Parr嗓音沙啞 咬字模糊 聽起來別有一番味道







( 休閒生活音樂 )
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