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美國實力歌姬[香緹.莫]──當代R&B/靈魂抒情曲──[Chanté's Got a Man/香緹有個男人]
2024/06/23 15:03:00瀏覽269|回應0|推薦6

美國實力歌姬[香緹.莫]──當代R&B/靈魂抒情曲──[Chantés Got a Man/香緹有個男人


Chantes got a man at home

And hes sure good to me

Im sorry that your man aint home

Im sorry that yours left you alone

Its such a shame your man is playing games

And I heard you say that men are all the same

No, no, no


Its not the truth girl

Cause I got proof girl

Oh I got proof girl

I got a man at home


Chantes got a man at home

It hurts me your mans leaving you all alone

I cant help it that your babys bad

Creeping out, cheating on ya, beating on ya

Chantes got a man at home

And hes sure good to me



Now whyd you let him beat you down

No, no, whats up with that

Theres good men around

Dont you know how beautiful you are inside girl

And dont you let nobody go and steal your pride

Oh no no, I know your thing girl


Its not the truth girl

Cause I got proof girl

Oh I got proof girl

I got a man at home


Chantes got a man at home

It hurts me your mans leaving you all alone

I cant help it that your babys bad

Creeping out, cheating on ya, beating on ya

Chantes got a man at home

And hes sure good to me


I once was where you are

Thought men were all the same

But I never gave up hope

And now my life has changed

Listen to me girls

One bad apple dont spoil the whole bunch girl

He always treats me right, we never fight

He sends me flowers and wines and dines me

Took me home to meet his momma

How he loves me


One bad apple dont spoil the whole bunch girl

Give it one more try

Before ya give up on love


Chantes got a man at home

It hurts me your mans leaving you all alone

I cant help it that your babys bad

Creeping out, cheating on ya, beating on ya

Chantes got a man at home

And hes sure good to me


Chantes got a man at home

It hurts me your mans leaving you all alone

I cant help it that your babys bad

Creeping out, cheating on ya, beating on ya

Chantes got a man at home

And hes sure good to me




1999年5月,32歲的美國實力歌姬香緹.莫(Chanté Moore)推出第三張大碟[This Moment Is Mine /這一刻是我的](Silas/MCA唱片發行)

製作群包括Keith Crouch,Jermaine Dupri,Rodney Jerkins,Jimmy Jam & Terry Lewis,Simon Law,Guy Roche,Diane Warren,Robin Thicke和香緹莫等,


大碟[This Moment Is Mine ]登上美國專輯榜#31 




首支主打是[Chantés Got a Man/香緹有個男人

由James Harris III,George Jackson,Terry Lewis,James Wright,香緹莫合寫.

此曲插入1971年奧斯蒙兄弟( Osmonds)歌曲[One Bad Apple]──由George Jackson譜寫,因此他也名列作者.


Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis,Big Jim製作成一首當代R&B/靈魂抒情曲,


Chantés Got a Man/香緹得到一個男人]登上美國告示牌單曲榜#10(1999年度#71)






Chantés Got a Man]獲得靈魂列車音樂獎最佳R&B/靈魂單曲女聲提名以及全國有色人種協進會形象獎傑出歌曲提名。

獲得了 1999年靈魂樂女士獎的最佳 R&B/靈魂樂單曲、獨奏獎。


MV中,黑人團體風尚(En Vogue )成員 Terry Ellis 在影片中以摩爾的朋友之一出現。
























( 休閒生活音樂 )
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