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英國歌壇天王[艾爾頓.強]──軟式搖滾曲──[Part-Time Love/兼職愛人]
2024/01/16 18:03:00瀏覽71|回應0|推薦4

英國歌壇天王[艾爾頓.強]──軟式搖滾曲──[Part-Time Love/兼職愛人

 Part time love is bringing me down

Cause I just cant get started with you my love
Did I hear you saying that Im too hard hearted
Wipe those stars from your eyes
And youll get quite a surprise
Because youll see everybodys got a part time love

Youve been seen running around
Theres not much I dont hear of and still you try
Telling me all the things I must stay clear of
Dont tell me what to do
When you been doing it too
Because you, me and everybodys got a part time love

Falling, Im falling cant get free
Baby if you keep on stalling
Oh how can I make you see
That you, me and everybody needs a part time love

Part time love
I seem to be pulling in the wrong direction
With you my love
Whatever I do you raise the same objection
Ive got someone at home
But shes got a love of her own
Because you, me and everybody got a part time love

Im waiting, Im waiting all the time
And its getting so frustrating
Love well it aint no crime
Because you, me and everybody needs a part time love
And oh you, me and everybodys got a part time love
And oh you, me and everybody needs a part time love
You, me, everybody got a part time love 

1978年10月,31歲的英國歌壇天王艾爾頓.強(Elton John)推出第12張大碟[A Single Man/一個單身男人](Rocket (UK)/MCA(US)發行)

由強與Clive Franks製作

這是艾爾頓第一張不含作詞家 Bernie Taupin 作品的專輯,改由Gary Osborne 負責歌詞

A Single Man/一個單身男人]也是自強首張專輯[Empty Sky]以來首張沒有製作人 Gus Dudgeon 參與的大碟。



A Single Man/一個單身男人登上英國專輯榜#8 金唱片(10萬張+)(1979年終#82)

美國Billboard專輯榜#15 白金唱片(100萬張+)

挪威#4 紐西蘭#8 白金唱片(1.5萬張+)

澳大利亞#7 加拿大#12-白金唱片(10萬張+)

西班牙#12 義大利#13 德國#16 荷蘭#16 金唱片(5萬張+)

法國 金唱片(10萬張+)


10月發行的[Part-Time Love/兼職愛人]為首支單曲
由艾爾頓作曲,Gary Osborne 作詞

強與Clive Franks製作成一首軟式搖滾



Part-Time Love登上英國單曲榜#15

美國Billboard單曲榜#22 副榜-Easy Listening榜#40  

愛爾蘭#11 加拿大#13 紐西蘭#14 澳大利亞#12














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