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英國流行團體[紅男綠女]──MOR/流行曲──[There's a Whole Lot of Loving/有很多的愛]
2023/06/25 00:03:00瀏覽155|回應0|推薦9

英國流行團體[紅男綠女]──MOR/流行曲──[Theres a Whole Lot of Loving/有很多的愛]

Theres a whole lot of loving going on, in my heart
Its a feeling, Im feeling through and through
Theres a whole lot of missing every time were apart
Theres a whole lot of loving just for you

Bigger than the Mississippi river near the ocean
Wider than the desert and the Utah sky
Stronger than the dynamos of hoover dam in motion, you supply the reason why

Theres a whole lot of loving going on, in my heart
Its a feeling, Im feeling through and through
Theres a whole lot of missing every time were apart
Theres a whole lot of loving just for you

Warmer than the sun that warms the corners of Kentucky
Taller than the California redwood trees
Richer than a 49er miner striking lucky he was never rich as me

Theres a whole lot of loving going on, in my heart
Its a feeling, Im feeling through and through
Theres a whole lot of missing every time were apart
Theres a whole lot of loving just for you

Like a highway that goes on and on, and never ends
Like a fire that goes on and on and it never ends
Theres a whole lot of loving going on, in my heart
Its a feeling, Im feeling through and through
Theres a whole lot of missing every time were apart
Theres a whole lot of loving just for you
Theres a whole lot of loving just for you




1974年成立的紅男綠女(Guys n Dolls是英國的流行團體,


1975年5月發行首張同名大碟[Guys n Dolls](Magnet發行)

由Chris Arnold, David Martin, Geoff Morrow製作

首支主打為[Theres a Whole Lot of Loving/有很多的愛]

由Chris Arnold, David Martin, Geoff Morrow譜寫,Andrew Jack編曲

Chris Arnold, David Martin, Geoff Morrow製作成一首MOR/流行曲.

這首歌最初是在 1974年由一群臨時歌手為 McVities 餅乾的電視廣告錄製的。

Guys n Dolls 的成立是為了利用順口溜的流行來賺錢,並將其作為單曲呈現。 可是團體沒有及時錄製全新版本,便倉促發行單曲,因此單曲保留了錄製過程的歌手聲音。


[Theres a Whole Lot of Loving/有很多的愛]登上英國單曲榜亞軍(1975年度#27) 拿到銀唱片(25萬張)

愛爾蘭亞軍  荷蘭#7+9 比利時#19 澳大利亞#52

美國告示牌副榜──Easy Listening榜#15



大碟[Guys n Dolls]打入英國專輯榜#43 這是團體唯一上榜之錄音室專輯.














( 休閒生活音樂 )
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