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美國創作歌手[克里斯托夫克羅斯]──流行搖滾曲──[All Right/沒關係]
2022/12/20 05:03:00瀏覽645|回應0|推薦9

美國創作歌手[克里斯托夫克羅斯]──流行搖滾曲──[All Right/沒關係]


I know, know whats on your mind
And I know it gets tough sometimes
But you can give it one more try to find a reason why
You should pick it up, ooh, and try it again

Cause its all right, think were gonna make it
Think it might just work out this time
Its all right, think were gonna make it
Think it might work out fine this time
Its all right, think were gonna make it
Think it might just work out
Cause its not too late for that, too late for me

I know Ive been hurt before
And I know I really shouldnt give any more
But this time, this time things seem just a little different
And when I look in your eyes, you know I can see that its true
And I hear you say its

All right, think were gonna make it
Think it might just work out this time
Its all right, think were gonna make it
Think it might work out fine this time
Its all right, think were gonna make it
Think it might just work out
Cause its not too late for that, too late for love

Just when you feel helpless
Nothing left to say
Love will find us, the past behind us
Then were on our way
Ooh, yeah

Time and time again I see, people so unsure like me
We all know it gets hard sometimes
But you can give it one more try
Find another reason why you should pick it up
Ooh, why you should kick it up, ooh, try it again

Cause its all right, think were gonna make it
Think it might just work out this time
Its all right, think were gonna make it
Think it might work out fine this time
Its all right, think were gonna make it
Think it might just work out this time
Its all right, think were gonna make it
Think it might work out fine this time

Its all right, I think were gonna make it
Think it might just work out this time
Its all right, I think were gonna make it
Think it might just work out this time
Its all right, I think were gonna make it
Think it might just work out this time
Its all right, I think were gonna make it
Think it might just work out...




1980年5月 30歲的美國著名創作歌手克里斯托夫克羅斯(Christopher Cross)推出首張同名大碟[Christopher Cross](Warner Bros.出版)




演唱主題曲[Arthurs Theme (Best That You Can Do)/亞瑟主題曲(盡你所能)]




1983年1月底,克里斯托夫克羅斯推出第二張個人大碟[Another Page/另一頁

仍由Michael Omartian 製作,獲得優異評價.


但國際對成功:英國榜#4 金唱片(10萬張+) 德國榜亞軍 

澳大利亞#6 荷蘭#7 挪威#7 紐西蘭#9 瑞典#12 加拿大#23


首支主打為[All Right/沒關係]

由克里斯托夫譜寫,Michael Omartian 製作成一首流行搖滾


[All Right]首周打入Billboard單曲榜#29──為當時Hot100時期第五高名次

可是成績有些差強人意, 只登上#12(1983年終#70)


英國榜#51 西班牙#4 瑞士#5 挪威#5 

義大利#13 加拿大#13愛爾蘭#14 比利時#15

荷蘭#16 德國#23 紐西蘭#44
















( 休閒生活音樂 )
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