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美國當代福音天后[艾美葛蘭特]─軟式搖滾/鄉村民謠抒情曲─[Shine All Your Light]
2022/12/19 00:02:21瀏覽569|回應0|推薦9

美國當代福音天后[艾美.葛蘭特]──軟式搖滾/鄉村民謠/成人流行抒情曲──[Shine All Your Light/閃耀你的光芒]

Here under heavens eyes,
Down under paradise,
Sometimes it seems like were so small.
Here on the shores that reach
Into infinity,
How could we matter much at all?
Would it be enough
If each of us would give our love?
Like sand on a mountain,
Rain on a fountain,
Shade on a shadow,
A breeze in this tornado,
Just do what you can.
Clap with one hand
And shine all your light in the sun.
We live to learn to love.
Oh, mercy from above.
Amazing grace, like rain comes falling down.
We sing our hearts to you,
Our song of gratitude.
The voice of evry soul,
How sweet the sound.
We can only trust
All our prayers will all add up.
Like sand on a mountain,
Rain on a fountain,
Shade on a shadow,
A breeze in this tornado,
Just do what you can.
Clap with one hand
And shine all your light in the sun.
Would it be enough
If each of us would give our love?
Like sand on a mountain,
Rain on a fountain,
Shade on a shadow,
A breeze in this tornado,
Just do what you can.
Clap with one hand
And shine all your light in the sun.





1994年9月,美國CBS推出奇幻劇情電視劇[與天使有約/Touched by an Angel],成為熱門影集.

1998年11月,電視原聲帶專輯[Touched by an Angel: The Album]由索尼旗下的550 Music發行



[Touched by an Angel登上Billboard專輯榜#16 副榜──基督福音專輯榜#3(年終榜: 1999#116) 

鄉村專輯榜#3(年終榜: 1999#11)




大碟超過十組藝人共襄盛舉, 其中美國當代福音天后艾美.葛蘭特(Amy Grant)也獻唱一曲[Shine All Your Light/閃耀你的光芒]

由Beth Nielsen Chapman, Kimmie Rhode譜寫

Keith Thomas製作成一首軟式搖滾/鄉村民謠/成人流行抒情曲


Faithless Heart]在1998年末送到福音電台宣傳












( 休閒生活音樂 )
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