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美國歌壇天王[王子]──放克/簡約主義/合成流行曲──[The Future/未來]
2022/10/28 13:45:16瀏覽565|回應0|推薦6

美國歌壇天王[王子]──放克/簡約主義/合成流行曲──[The Future/未來



"Im not gonna kill you. I want you to do me a favor,
I want you to tell all your friends about me."
"What are you?"

Ive seen the future and it will be
Ive seen the future and it works
And if theres life after, we will see
So I cant go like a jerk

Systematic overthrow of the underclass
Hollywood conjures images of the past
New world needs spiritually
That will last
Ive seen the future and it will be

Ive seen the future and it will be
Ive seen the future and it works
And if theres life after, we will see
So I cant go like a jerk

Yellow Smiley offers me X
Like hes drinking seven up
I would rather drink 6 razor blades
Razor blades from a paper cup
He cant understand, I say 2 tough
Its just that Ive seen the future
And boy its rough

Ive seen the future and it will be
Ive seen the future and it works
And if theres life after, we will see
So U cant go like a jerk
No, no

Ive seen the future and it will be
Wait a minute

Pretty pony standing on the avenue
Flashin a loaded pistol, 2 dumb 2 be true
Somebody told him playin cops and robbers was cool
Would our rap have been different if we only knew?

Ive seen the future and it will be
Ive seen the future and it works
If theres life after, we will see
Dont go out like a jerk

Systematic overthrow of the underclass
Hollywood conjures images of the past
New world needs spiritually
That will last
Ive seen the future and it will be
Ive seen the future and it will be
Ive seen the future and it will be

Ive seen the future and it will be

Ive seen the future and it will be
Ive seen the future and it will be

"Think about the future"



1989年6月 美國音樂奇才王子(Prince,1958-2016)為華納影業(Warner Bros.)推出的超級英雄電影〔Batman/蝙蝠俠〕製作電影原聲帶專輯(Warner Bros. Records

(配樂由Danny Elfman負責) 由他個人譜寫/編曲/製作



〔Batman/蝙蝠俠〕登上美國專輯榜冠軍  2白金唱片(200萬張+)

英國專輯榜冠軍 白金唱片(30萬張+)

德國#3 金唱片(25萬張+)

西班牙#5 白金唱片(10萬張+)

法國 白金唱片(30萬張+) 日本 金唱片(10萬張+)

荷蘭冠軍 金唱片(5萬張+) 瑞士 金唱片(2.5萬張+)

其它地區皆打入Top10 全球賣出600萬張, 讓王子重振聲勢




其中第五首[The Future/未來]於1990年5月推出,只在歐洲發行



另有Mark Moore(SExpress)+William Orbit製作成house舞曲的混音版

The Future]登上荷蘭單曲榜#7(Dutch Top 40)/#9(Dutch Single Top 100

瑞士#15 比利時#22 德國#39 









The Future/1999 (live, Nude Tour Europe)1990



A The Future (Remix)



Live in Tokyo.



The Future (Melon Rework) [Raw Meat]



( 休閒生活音樂 )
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