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美國歌壇天后[惠妮休斯頓]──日本廣告曲──中板流行曲──[Takin' a Chance/冒險]
2021/05/02 00:06:05瀏覽415|回應0|推薦12

美國歌壇天后[惠妮休斯頓]──日本廣告曲──中板流行曲──[Takin a Chance/冒險]

Theres a chance that maybe in this life Ill find

True love and peace of mind

Theres a chance that maybe I can reach my goal

And soar to the other side

Good things come to those who wait

Im just afraid that I might sit here and wait too late, so...

Im taking a chance on loving you

No matter the price ill pay my dues

Im taking a chance on loving you

They tell me Im crazy

Theres a chance that maybe once I could be wrong

But wrong never felt so right

Theres a chance that maybe Im risking much too soon

But our hearts just fell in tune

Good things come to those who wait

Im just afraid that I might sit here and wait too late, so...

I dont know much about you, but I know I cant live without you

I am telling all my friends goodbye

My friends cant understand but,

I know Ive got to try,

Heres my reason why,

Im in love, thats all I know

I dont know much about you, but I know I cant live without you

I am telling all my friends goodbye

My friends cant understand but,

I know Ive got to try,

Heres my reason why,

Im in love, thats all I know


1990年11月, 27歲的美國黑人天后惠妮休斯頓(Whitney Houston)推出第三張大碟〔I’m Your Baby Tonight〕(Arista唱片出版)



邀來多組名製作人如LA Reid & Babyface ,Narada Michael Walden, Stevie Wonder操刀, 惠妮也擔任執行製作

只是樂評普遍不佳, 連帶商業銷售不如預期

Im Your Baby Tonight〕只登上Billboard專輯榜#3 退榜前賣出300萬張(至今累計4百多萬張) 名列1991年終美國專輯#10 


英國#5(白金/30萬張+) 日本#6(二白金/50萬張+) 德國#3(白金/50萬張+) 法國#9(白金/30萬張+)


雖仍是一張暢銷專輯, 但明顯不如前兩張


Im Your Baby Tonight〕日本版額外多收錄兩首歌曲:[Takin a Chance/冒險][Higher Love



Benjamin WinansKeith Thomas與休斯頓合寫, Benjamin WinansKeith Thomas製作成一首中板流行曲, 在輕快討好的節奏間, 惠妮展現其晶瑩的歌喉。

Takin a Chance]1989年10月初在日本以3吋CD發行, 登上Oricon單曲榜#88。

由於只收在〔Im Your Baby Tonight〕日本版專輯, 因此少為其它地區認識, 但仍是首值得一聽的歌曲。













1989 Sanyo Commercial



( 休閒生活音樂 )
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