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波蘭黑髮美女[芭莎]──美國舞曲榜冠軍──融合爵士流行/拉丁味的[Drunk By Love/為愛沉醉]
2014/08/07 00:08:38瀏覽241|回應0|推薦1

波蘭黑髮美女[芭莎]──美國舞曲榜冠軍──融合爵士流行/拉丁味的[Drunk By Love/為愛沉醉]


I was dreaming when I jumped the lights
Busy scaling dizzy heights
Hummed a somewhat strangely familiar tune
My eyes as wide as open books
And from my ears upon two hooks
A big smile was hanging there like a crescent moon

It sometimes comes as quite a shock
When the gods of love decide to knock
You're in a state of disarray
Just when you least expect it--you'll never know a better day

Day dreaming fever taking over
No misdemeanour--stone cold sober

The officer who stopped me said: 'lucky you didn't wind up dead!'
And he guessed that I was over and above
I hoped he'd only caution me, and I made a plea for clemency
On the grounds that I was only drunk on love

Day dreaming fever taking over
No misdemeanour--stone cold sober

It sometimes comes as quite a shock
When the gods of love decide to knock
You're in a state of disarray
Just when you least expect it--you'll never know a better day



1980年代後期 波蘭黑髮美女芭莎(Basia)以融合拉丁味 成人抒情 高雅流行的爵士流行曲風走紅國際歌壇

發行兩張暢銷專輯 特別是美國 皆拿到百萬金唱片

1994年春天 40歲的芭莎推出睽違四年的第三張大碟[The Sweetest Illusion/最甜蜜的幻覺]


仍由她本人跟長期伙伴Danny White共同合寫製作

雖然沒前兩張大碟成功(US#27) 但仍拿到金唱片

特別是日本 登上排行榜#6 成為她在亞洲最成功的專輯


1994夏天 芭莎發行大碟第二主打[Drunk By Love/為愛沉醉]

這首輕快的歌曲仍舊維持其爵士 高雅流行 與拉丁的融合樂風

Drunk By Love]的混音讓芭夏首度登上美國舞曲播放榜冠軍(舞曲銷售榜#13)


在英國拿到#41 這還是單曲成績一向不佳的她在當地最成功歌曲

Drunk By Love]是芭莎事業的舞曲代表作





( 休閒生活音樂 )
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