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德國熱門歌手[珊卓拉]&[梅豔芳]的交集─歐洲電子流行舞曲─[In The Heat of The Night]
2014/07/29 00:05:19瀏覽430|回應0|推薦2

德國熱門歌手[珊卓拉]&香港巨星[梅豔芳]的交集──歐洲電子流行舞曲──[In The Heat of The Night/黑夜熱力]

Talk to me
Want my love
Talk to me
But not that stuff

You aint enough
Just usin my love
N you call for me
n again i see

In the heat of the night
Youll lose your heart
And sell your soul
I lose control
In the heat of the night
Its much too late
To leave the trade
But i cant stand it anymore
Youll lose your heart
And your soul
I lose control
In the heat of the night

Talk to me
Want my love
Talk to me
But not that stuff

Whos on my side
Losin my pride
N you call for me

n again i see

In the heat of the night...

In the heat of the night
Youll lose your heart
And sell your soul
I lose control
In the heat of the night
Its much too late
To leave the trade
But i cant stand it anymore
Youll lose your heart
And your soul
I lose control
In the heat of the night

Talk to me
Want my love
Talk to me
But not that stuff

Whos on my side
Losin my pride
N you call for me
n again i see

In the heat of the night...




以跟她首任羅馬尼亞裔丈夫Michael Cretu合作一連串暢銷英語歐洲流行曲而著名


1979年加入迪斯可團體Arabesque團體擔任主唱 演唱當時流行的英語義大利迪斯可(Italo Dicso

在日本 韓國與華語圈頗受歡迎

1985年單飛 隨即以首支單曲[(I’ll Never BeenMaria Magdalena]登上德國榜冠軍 以及歐洲各國排行榜Top10



1985年11月 珊卓拉發行第二首單曲[In The Heat of The Night/黑夜熱力]

這首歐洲電子流行舞曲由其男友Michael Cretu製作與合寫 並與另一位歌曲作者Hubert Kremmler擔任合音

In The Heat of The Night]登上德國榜亞軍 鞏固珊卓拉剛得到的聲名

這是她11月推出首張大碟[The Long Play]的第二主打

專輯登上德國排行榜#12 拿到金唱片(25萬張+)


國際方面:瑞士/瑞典亞軍 義大利#4

法國#5 並拿到銀唱片(25萬張+) 奧地利#6 南非#8 荷蘭#13

In The Heat of The Night]後來被一些歐洲歌手翻唱過

1986年 香港天后梅豔芳在第六張大碟[妖女]則翻成粵語版[將冰山劈開](與許志安合唱)








( 休閒生活音樂 )
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