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瑞典流行天團[阿巴]──流行搖滾名曲──[The Name of the Game/遊戲之名]
2019/09/06 12:46:54瀏覽456|回應0|推薦11

瑞典流行天團[阿巴]──流行搖滾名曲──[The Name of the Game/遊戲之名]

Ive seen you twice, in a short time

Only a week since we started

It seems to me, for every time

Im getting more open-hearted

I was an impossible case

No-one ever could reach me

But I think I can see in your face

Theres a lot you can teach me

So I wanna know

Whats the name of the game?

Does it mean anything to you?

Whats the name of the game?

Can you feel it the way I do?

Tell me please, cause I have to know

Im a bashful child, beginning to grow

And you make me talk

And you make me feel

And you make me show

What Im trying to conceal

If I trust in you, would you let me down?

Would you laugh at me, if I said I care for you?

Could you feel the same way too?

I wanna know

The name of the game

I have no friends, no-one to see

And I am never invited

Now I am here, talking to you

No wonder I get excited

Your smile, and the sound of your voice

And the way you see through me

Got a feeling, you give me no choice

But it means a lot to me

So I wanna know

Whats the name of the game? (Your smile and the sound of your voice)

Does it mean anything to you? (Got a feeling you give me no choice)

(But it means a lot)

Whats the name of the game? (Your smile and the sound of your voice)

Can you feel it the way I do?

Tell me please, cause I have to know

Im a bashful child, beginning to grow

And you make me talk

And you make me feel

And you make me show

What Im trying to conceal

If I trust in you, would you let me down?

Would you laugh at me, if I said I care for you?

Could you feel the same way too?

I wanna know

Oh yes I wanna know

The name of the game (I was an impossible case)

Does it mean anything to you? (But I think I can see in your face)

(That it means a lot)

Whats the name of the game? (Your smile and the sound of your voice)

Can you feel it the way I do? (Got a feeling you give me no choice)

(But it means a lot)

Whats the name of the game? (I was an impossible case)

Does it mean anything to you? (But I think I can see in your face)

(That it means a lot)


1977年底 瑞典流行天團阿巴(ABBA)發行第五張大碟[ABBA:The Album](PolarEpicAtlantic唱片出版)

Benny AnderssonBjorn Ulvaeus譜寫製作

曲風轉向流行搖滾 獲得良好樂評

大碟頗受歡迎:瑞典冠軍(753k)英國榜冠軍(白金) 德國榜亞軍(50萬張+) 美國榜#14(白金),其它各地亦受歡迎


首支主打為10月推出的[The Name of the Game/遊戲之名]

由團員Benny Andersson&Björn Ulvaeus與經紀人Stig Anderson合寫, 前兩者製作成一首流行搖滾曲

發行後便大受歡迎 登上瑞典榜亞軍

英國榜冠軍──阿巴事業第六首  蟬聯四週 年終排行#16


荷蘭/比利時/愛爾蘭亞軍 挪威#3 紐西蘭#4 芬蘭#5 澳大利亞/瑞士#6 德國#7 法國/奧地利#12 加拿大#15##

美國單曲榜#12(&Easy Listening榜#9)













The Movie - sogno di un cronista


( 休閒生活音樂 )
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