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英國歌壇天王[菲爾.柯林斯]──美國榜冠軍──抒情經典──浪漫的[One More Night/再一夜]
2014/05/10 00:06:48瀏覽361|回應0|推薦3

英國歌壇天王[菲爾柯林斯]──美國榜冠軍──抒情經典──浪漫的[One More Night/再一夜]

One more night, one more night
Ive been trying ooh so long to let you know
Let you know how I feel
And if I stumble if I fall, just help me back
So I can make you see

Please give me one more night, give me one more night
One more night cos I cant wait forever
Give me just one more night, oh just one more night
Oh one more night cos I cant wait forever

Ive been sitting here so long
Wasting time, just staring at the phone
And I was wondering should I call you
Then I thought maybe youre not alone

Please give me one more night, give me just one more night
Oh one more night, cos I cant wait forever
Please give me one more night, ooh just one more night
Oh one more night, cos I cant wait forever
Give me one more night, give me just one more night
Ooh one more night, cos I cant wait forever

Like a river to the sea
I will always be with you
And if you sail away
I will follow you

Give me one more night, give me just one more night
Oh one more night, cos I cant wait forever
I know therell never be a time youll ever feel the same
And I know its only words
But if you change your mind you know that Ill be here
And maybe we both can learn

Give me just one more night, give me just one more night
Ooh one more night, cos I cant wait forever
Give me just one more night, give me just one more night
Ooh one more night, cos I cant wait forever


1985年2月 34歲的英國搖滾樂團創世紀(Genesis)主唱菲爾柯林斯(Phil Collins)發行個人第三張專輯[No Jacket Required/不需要夾克]

全球暢銷2000多萬張 不但登上英國冠軍 大賣六白金

也稱霸美國排行榜 大賣12白金 也是菲爾事業最暢銷的專輯(但在英國則是[…But Seriously))



專輯首支單曲是1984年秋末在北美發行的[One More Night/再一夜]


這是一首流行抒情曲由柯林斯譜寫 他跟Hugh Padgham製作 風格柔緩浪漫

一推出後即受到歡迎 登上美國榜王座 成為他第二首冠軍

One More Night]也讓菲爾首度拿到成人抒情榜冠軍 以及主流搖滾榜#4

在英國反應也不錯 拿到#4

國際方面:澳洲亞軍 紐西蘭#5 荷蘭#8 德國#10 芬蘭#13 西班牙#14 義大利#18

隔年菲爾拿到葛萊美三座大獎:年度專輯 流行男歌手 以及最佳製作人(非古典類)

以及英國音樂獎(Brits)最佳專輯 最佳英國男藝人








( 休閒生活音樂 )
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