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希臘歌壇天王[薩奇斯.魯瓦斯]─世界民族風舞曲─[1000 Milia/1000 μιλια/一千哩]
2018/05/12 00:16:31瀏覽695|回應0|推薦11

希臘歌壇天王[薩奇斯.魯瓦斯]──世界民族風舞曲──東方音樂影響的[1000 Milia1000 μιλια/一千哩]



S' anazito

San trelos se psahno


Ki ute pu iparho

Opu pas tha pao

Hilia milia na se vro


Hilia milia makria

Me piksida tin kardia

Mesa sta taksidia

Psahno agalia

Erhome moro mu

Erhome konta



Ma ke disi fos mu


Tis gonies tu kosmu

Estrosa gia sena

Hilia milia s' agapo


Hilia milia makria

Dromi zois, dromi fotias

Pernun esena

Fernun se esena

Hilies gonies pano sti gi

Hilia filia

Opu ki an pas

Opu ki an ise

Erhome moro mu

Erhome konta


A thousand miles

I'm searching for you

I'm looking for you like crazy

You're gone

and I don't even exist

I'll go wherever you go

a thousand miles to find you


A thousand miles away

using my heart as a compass

in journeys

I'm looking for an embrace

I'm coming baby

I'm coming close to you


In the East

and the West my darling

I travelled

to the corners of the world

I laid out for you

a thousand miles "I love you"


A thousand miles away

streets of life, streets of fire

they take you away

they lead me to you

Paris, Taj Mahal

Tokyo, New York

a thousand corners on the earth

a thousand kisses

San Diego, Madrid, Sidney


Wherever you go

wherever you are

I'm coming baby

I'm coming



2005年春天 33歲的希臘歌壇天王薩奇斯.魯瓦斯(Σάκης ΡουβάςSakis Rouvas)推出第十張專輯[Σ'έχω ΕρωτευθεS'eho Erotefthi/與你相愛]由Lakis Papadopoulos製作

在希臘與塞浦路斯仍由Minos EMI發行

專輯迅速希臘排行榜冠軍 成為2白金唱片(8萬張)


2005年10月 薩奇斯推出大碟第四主打(專輯總數第五主打)──電台宣傳單曲[1000 Milia1000 μιλια/一千哩]


節奏輕快搖曳 富有民族風味


1000 Milia]亦受到電台播放 讓大碟繼續熱賣 並成為魯瓦斯稀少的民族風熱門曲







O.A.K.A Stadium2005-




( 休閒生活音樂 )
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