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希臘歌壇天王[薩奇斯.魯瓦斯]──歐式迪斯可/電子流行舞曲──[Disco Girl]
2017/06/21 12:44:03瀏覽433|回應0|推薦9

希臘歌壇天王[薩奇斯.魯瓦斯]進軍國際之作──冠軍單曲──歐式迪斯可/電子流行舞曲──[Disco Girl/迪斯可女郎]



Greek Version

Kitazo sto bar kai ekinei vrisko

Na lambei sa star mesa sti disco

Sa floga pou kai synechia anameni

Kai vazei to disco o DJ pou tin trelenei

Ki mousiki to soma tis diapernai

Kai prokalei olous m'afta pou forai

Oploforei ki ama tis adistatheis

Pyrovolei eks' epafis

Ki oli sti disco (disco girl)

Tin agapane (disco girl)

Gia aftin miloun kai tin apokaloun

To koritsi tis disco (disco girl)

Ki otan pernai (disco girl)

Gi'aftin chtypai i kardia mou agapai

To koritsi tis disco (disco girl)

To koritsi tis disco (disco girl)

Ta matia olonon stramena s'ekini

Skotoni ala den perni afti pote tin efthini

Ki mousiki to soma tis diapernai

Kai prokali olous m'afta pou forai

Oplofori ki ama tis adistathis

Pyrovoli eks' epafis

Ki oli sti disco (disco girl)

Tin agapane (disco girl)

Gia aftin miloun kai tin apokaloun

To koritsi tis disco (disco girl)

Ki otan pernai (disco girl)

Gi'aftin xtypai i kardia mou agapai

To koritsi tis disco (disco girl)

To koritsi tis disco (disco girl)


English Version

The night’s just began

she’s heading for downtown

she’s dressed up to kill

and midnight ‘s the countdown

the taxi goes up

she’s making her entrance

from the door

and she’s much of…


She hits the floor

and the party goes round

she’s pleased for more

like a small little child

she wants it all

but she’s not back in town

she gets away and makes you pay


She loves the disco

she likes to …

She loves to stay out all night

to the end of the right at the disco

under the spotlight

she is the girl of the floor that you watch

from the side at the disco


you ask her to dance to try to get near her

you notice she’s looking through you

at herself in the mirror


She hits the floor

and the party goes round

she’s pleased for more

like a small little child

she wants it all

but she’s not back in town

she gets away and makes you pay


She loves the disco

She likes to …..

She loves to stay out all night

to the end of the right at the disco

under the spotlight

she is the girl of the floor that you watch

from the side at the disco


2001年  在同鄉娜娜(Nana Mouskouri)的推薦下, 29歲的希臘歌壇天王薩奇斯.魯瓦斯(Σάκης ΡουβάςSakis Rouvas)與法國環球音樂下的Universal Licensing Music簽約 開始拓展國際市場

魯瓦斯與美國製作人Desmond Child與同鄉製作人Phoebus合作 籌備下一張專輯[Όλα ΚαλάOla Kala/一切安好]

2001年底, 大碟先發單曲[Disco Girl/迪斯可女郎]推出

此曲由同鄉詞曲家Phoebus填詞 他跟Desmond Child譜曲

後者製作成一首融合歐式迪斯可的電子流行舞曲 節拍輕快討好

Disco Girl]登上希臘電台榜冠軍兩週 賣出兩萬多張 認證白金唱片


2002年6月 [Disco Girl]的英文版在法國發行 打入單曲榜#79





MV在南非開普敦拍攝 描述薩奇斯設法吸引一位年輕女郎

兩人共度春宵後, 隔天醒來, 女子卻發現珠寶被偷









2006 Live





( 休閒生活音樂 )
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