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MMOexp: McCown has been a good player
2024/06/11 09:47:36瀏覽11|回應0|推薦0

Madden NFL 24 accepts that it made a refereeing error in Mut 24 Coins New York-Washington game

There was some debate on Sunday night. At the conclusion of the game , the official was mistakenly signaling for a first down and moved the chains. The chains were reversed after the play, and turned into fourth down. Madden NFL 24 vice president of officiating Dean Blandino said the crew committed a mistake and should have stopped play to correct the issue.

"In this situation where there is a clear confusion about the nature of the down play should be stopped prior third down and the correct down communicated to both teams. This should have happened regardless of the fact that Washington did not have timeouts, and it was inside the two-minute time limit."

Jay Cutler "week-to-week"

Jay Cutler is reportedly targeting the week 14 return of his ankle injury. However, his status for the game on Monday isnt known until later in the week. Bears manager Marc Trestman said Cutler remains "week-to-week."

The Bears will resume their practice on Thursday and Cutlers involvement level could go a long way in determining the teams status against Dallas. If hes able to practice in a moderate manner, he could be ready to go back on Monday. If not, it may end up being Josh McCown getting another start for the Bears.

McCown has been a good player for Chicago, but Cutlers absence has been evident on the scoreboard. It is estimated that the Bears are averaging 29 points in games Cutler starts , and 22.8 PPG in Buy Madden nfl 24 Coins games started by McCown.
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