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Here's what happens to your Diablo 4 character when a season ends | MMOEXP
2024/05/30 11:11:14瀏覽9|回應0|推薦0

Heres what happens to your Diablo 4 character when a season ends | MMOEXP


Weve known for Diablo 4 gold a while that Diablo 4 seasons require a new character with each battle pass, but what happens to your old seasonal character?

To be fair to Blizzard, weve also known for some time that Diablo 4 seasonal characters are simply transferred over to the Eternal realm - where your normal character(s) are - at the end of each season, just like in past Diablo games. That said, its worth clarifying how the whole thing works for those new to the series, especially with all of the new information about seasonal content.

In a news post, Blizzard explained that at the end of every season, the character you created as well as the progress you made will be moved to the Eternal realm along with all of the items you collected, including your seasonal stash. You can then pillage Sanctuary to your hearts desire just like you would with any other character. The only real caveat is that any season-specific features, like the recently revealed Malignant hearts, wont be carried over to the Eternal realm and will no longer be accessible.

Diablo 4 devs tease that the cow level may be real after all, dooming the community to maintain its eternal search | MMOEXP


Diablo 4s developers have offered up a slight tease about the sought-after cow level.

The secret level is something thats been hunted by Diablo 4 sleuths since launch, but to no avail. Last month though, players thought theyd come close to unlocking the unconfirmed secret level, and all they had to do was slay nearly 2,000 poor cows.

The mystery revolved around three items, each of which can be obtained after you mercilessly cut down 666 cows. Although not active yet, Diablo 4 players believe youll eventually be able to take the Musty Tome, Bloody Wooden Shard, and Intricate Metallic Fragment, and use them to unlock a portal to the secret cow level.

Diablo 4s next patch will guarantee Legendary drops from Treasure Goblins | MMOEXP


Diablo 4s developer is making a big change to Treasure Goblins in the next update, and its very much for the better.

Treasure Goblins randomly appear as you battle your way through Sanctuary, and they can cough up rare and valuable items when defeated. Unfortunately, youre not guaranteed to get anything good, and often youre left with lacklustre loot rather than prized treasure. Thankfully, thats set to change as Blizzard is revising the drop rates to buy Diablo IV gold make battling treasure goblins much more rewarding.
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