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MMOexp WoW Classic SoD Gold: There are also way more players
2023/12/24 15:09:30瀏覽16|回應0|推薦0

And this server Im able to say has been absolutely fine to WoW Classic SoD Gold play on. It seems to me that the only people who really benefit from Mega realms are gamers who can only play at super off-peak hours. I doubt Ill be able to get a regular early morning or late night raid every day of the week that I play, but Im pretty sure Id be able to achieve that if I was on Johannes or the benediction. There are also way more players who are bad on the main servers as well. Its not even a community that you can go into the crowd thing . theres a lot more people on the internet that youre going to meet more bad guys. have more bots , which means many bots in global farming. Oh, and by the way everybody is locked on servers after the fire mode was shut down in the past, prices for consumables and materials absolutely flew through the roof because , as you can imagine bots get cold eventually and gold farmers cannot transfer new characters to sell gold on the servers.

The moment to farm is now plus and closing thoughts on the subject are ag Ramsays at the moment, however, we believe the time has come to end the concept of a mega realm. If the realms remain closed, and any other server is able to receive the same treatment, I think it will be the case in the coming days. He also did a few post-mortems afterward and Id like to review in a short amount of time. He says I also just would like to make this clear though weve raised population caps to allow mega rounds up to the absolute limit of our technology.

Ive seen many servers in the armchair saying things like, "Just add additional hardware. And Im not going say it more clearly, the technology to allow more than what we currently have on our worlds currently isnt available. Weve put in the hardware, weve optimized as much as we can , and the demand for these few realms is just too much to continue pushing our local efforts to reach even higher brown caps. Weve reached the limit that we cannot move any further, and eventually some thing had to go. something has given and well explore different ways to solve this problem in the coming years. to WoW Season of Discovery Gold the armchair of several engineers.
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