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Cristofori’s Dream _ David Lanz
2011/11/10 11:35:29瀏覽482|回應0|推薦5



新世紀樂曲的浪漫風情, 現代人舒放壓力的清涼劑, 活在現代都市叢林,繁忙的工作、擁擠的交通與充斥耳際的吵雜噪音給現代人帶來莫大生活壓力,於是乎,一個真正私密的寧靜音樂空間,令人遨遊其中,享受心靈的平靜便成為一種莫可抵禦的趨勢與吶喊。近二十年來,新世紀音樂以自然、平和、優美的音符為主訴求,已成為心靈音樂最重要的一支,輩出的名家創作專輯滿足了現代人精神上的渴求


David Lanz is a contemporary instrumental legend whose deeply-felt compositions helped forge the New Age music movement over 20 years ago. Since then, countless fans around the world have embraced his music which is infused with a passion and tranquility much sought after in the face of today's world.



David Lanz has enthralled music lovers around the world for decades with his engaging playing style and original compositions. He was nominated for a Grammy in 2000, is well known as a top instrumental recording and concert artist, reaching worldwide prominence with his number one Billboard hit, Cristofori’s Dream.

His unique impressionistic style is emulated by countless pianists, and his compositions and arrangements performed and studied around the world.


Behind The Waterfall




Cristofori’s Dream




Lost In Paradise


( 休閒生活音樂 )
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